Page 85 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
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        and ensure that all aircraft are delivered to   for 20 aircraft plus 20 options, and is valued   Kuwait  Airways  most  popular  international
        Iran, Fabrice Bergier, Airbus CEO said, “It   at one billion euro.      destination is London and the new B777-
        has been a complex process to get all the                               300ER was first deployed on this route.
        clearances  from the  first announcement  in  Kuwait Airways            The Gulf carrier also has on order ten A350-
        January. We applied for all the licenses to the   The national carrier of the State of Kuwait,   900s and fifteen A320neo Family jetliners
        Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and   Kuwait Airways is amid a major revamp as   from Airbus, all of which are to be delivered
        we got that. We will abide by the rules of the   part of a five-year transformation strategy.     by 2021. The A350-900s will be used on the
        international community.” Bregier however,   As part of the new transformation strategy,   airline’s long haul network, while the A320neo
        did not rule out the delivery of additional   the state run airline has unveiled a new livery   will enhance its domestic network.
        airplanes in 2017 to Iran Air.      and is inducting new aircraft to overhaul its
            In January, last year, the U.S. Department   long-haul fleet. “Kuwait Airways’ five-year
        of  Treasury’s Office  of Foreign  Assets   transformation plan got underway in 2016
        Control (OFAC) announced that it would   with the launch of our new livery and branding
        allow  U.S.  and  non-U.S.  persons  to  request   and this transformation was added to
        specific authorisation from OFAC to engage   further, in November, with the announcement
        in transactions for the sale of commercial   of our new schedule,” said Rasha Al-Roumi,
        passenger aircraft and related parts and   Chairperson and CEO of Kuwait Airways. “The
        services to Iran and that specific licenses   launch of our new livery is an unreservedly
        would  be  issued  on  a  case-by-case  basis.   clear statement-of-intent,” she adds. Kuwait
        OFAC  export licences  were  granted to   Airways had placed firm orders for 10 Boeing
        Airbus in November 2016. In December 2016,   777-300ERs (Extended Range), valued at $3.3
        Boeing  announced  that  it  had  reached  an   billion at list prices in December 2014 and has
        agreement with Iran Air for the procurement   already taken delivery of two aircraft over
        of 80 single-aisle and twin-aisle jetliners   the last few months.  The airline is to take
        worth approximately U.S. $16.6 billion (at   delivery of all 10 aircraft it has on order before
        list prices). The Iran Air order will include 50   the end of 2017. The Boeing 777-300ER can   kuwait  Airways  has
        737 MAX 8s, 15 777-300ERs and 15 777-9s.   carry 386 passengers in a standard three-  launched  a  five  year
        Deliveries  are  slated  to  commence  in  2018.   class configuration up to 7,825 nautical miles   which its brand new Boeing
        Iran Air had also placed firm orders with ATR   (14,490  kilometers),  on  non-stop  routes.   777-300ERs
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