Page 87 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 87


        other parts of the industrialised world. China   Major Industry Players Fuel the   payments will be conducted on smartphones
        is considered a world leader in the promotion   Payments Evolution      and mobile devices as they travel.
        and adoption of mobile payments, according   The 2014 announcement of Apple Pay created   How can airlines move now toward
        to; South Korea, Hong Kong and   the impetus for full-fledged mobile wallet   tomorrow’s  mobile-centric  payments
        Taiwan, where smartphone ownership is high,   implementation in 2015-16, and 2016 is the year   strategy? Deploying the most popular wallets
        are steadily embracing mobile commerce.  when Apple and other major mobile wallet   per region is a start. So is coordination with
                                            providers are deploying their own solutions   payment specialists and partnerships with
        Clear Benefits for Airlines and     across different markets and regions.  payment and technology innovators.
        Airports                               Android Pay, for example, recently   The goal is to have the payments know-how
        Giving travellers the ability to search, book   deployed  in  Singapore  and  is  expected  to   and vision in place now to smooth the eventual
        and pay from smartphones helps airlines in a   arrive later this year Australia. Apple Pay,   integration  and  deployment  of  new  payment
        number of ways, including:          available in Australia, Singapore and China,   methods, reduce time to market for ongoing
        •  Turn  “lookers”  into  “bookers,”  ensuring  the   is expected to arrive in Hong Kong and Japan   payment solutions, and speed the capture of
        travellers who are searching for the best   this year as well, while Samsung Pay, first   new and existing mobile revenues that today’s
        routes and fares can actually book and   launched in Korea and the U.S., is now also   mobile-centric passengers are creating.
        purchase tickets when they find exactly what   available in China, Australia and Singapore.
        they’re looking for.                   Increasingly reliant on their smartphones   Airlines, it’s your move.
        • Offer omnichannel paths to purchase (online,   and tablets for all phases of travel, it’s clear
        offline, mobile), enabling travellers to buy   that today’s travellers and airline passengers
        products and services as they’re searching,   are both driving and demanding the shift
        booking, travelling to the airport, waiting   across the airline industry toward mobile
        in the airport, or planning their destination   payments and mobile commerce capabilities.   (Kristian  Gjerding  is  CEO  of  CellPoint
        activities.                            If they have not yet done so, airlines   Mobile  (,  which
        • Create seamless experiences for travellers   should  position their  finance, e-commerce   provides comprehensive and powerful
        by helping them transact, communicate and   and IT divisions now for that day in the   commerce and payment solutions for global
        shop from the smartphones and tablets that   not-too-distant future when most or all   airlines, supporting all payment methods, all
        rarely leave their sides as they travel.  of passengers’ travel interactions and   channels, all currencies and all devices.)
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