Page 18 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 18

FeAture ATC

        New Era in Aviation Safety

        An analysis of the technology behind ADS-B puts it generations ahead of the traditional
        Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)
        By Aprajita Anil in Melbourne

        to tHink tHAt  in tHis  Age  oF        Although  the  technology  has  been   other information like the aircraft’s identity,
        technological  advancement,  commercial   progressively rolling out since 2004, the   altitude  etc.  can  be  obtained  only  through
        airlines in various locations continue to   final mandate requires all instrument-flight-  further request.
        remain  outside the  surveillance  network of   rules (IFR) aircrafts flying the Australian   The ADS-B system broadcasts the
        the Global Positioning System, is unnerving.   airspace to be fitted with serviceable ADS-B   information real time - between once or
        The Australian airspace has had a patchy   equipment. An analysis of the technology   twice  every second.  The  SSR,  on  the other
        surveillance coverage, with only about   behind ADS-B not only puts it generations   hand,  can  take anywhere  between 5  to 12
        18  per cent  of  the continent  under  radar   ahead  of  the  traditional  Secondary  seconds to obtain an aircraft’s position. This
        network. However, on February 2, 2017,   Surveillance Radar (SSR) but also highlights   difference hugely impacts the efficiency of
        the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)   the insufficiency of the age-old radar system.   the ground station in identifying and dealing
        announced a new era in Australian aviation   Here  is  looking  at  certain  features.  ADS-B   with potentially hazardous situations.
        safety with the introduction of Automatic   system enables the aircraft to automatically   Under  the  SSR,  flights  have  been  following
        Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B).   transmit information in terms of its identity,   strict air lanes under supervision from air
        This  satellite-based  technology  for  location, air speed, altitude and emergency   traffic controllers. Since the ADS-B system
        controlling air traffic in the nation’s skies is a   indication (if any) to the satellite, which then   increases a pilot’s situational awareness, it
        fundamental transformation that is intended   broadcasts the information over unencrypted   helps reducing traffic separation especially
        to increase the  capacity  and  safety of  the   data link to all ADS-B in equipped aircrafts in   in busy airspaces, allowing pilots/controllers
        air transportation system. A key to keep the   its vicinity as well as the ground stations. The   to plot more direct routes, thus saving time,
        Australian aviation at the forefront of safety,   GPS is further used to establish the flight’s   fuel and eventually cutting cost. The ADS-B
        the mandate is a result of many years of joint   ascend, descend and turns, generating a   system  keeps  the pilots  as well  as  the
        effort of CASA, department of infrastructure   precise air picture. Meanwhile, although the   controllers on the same page by providing
        and regional development, Airservices   SSR detects and measures the aircraft’s   a  consistent  airspace  surveillance  picture.
        Australia, and aircraft operators.  bearings  using the  reflected radio signals,   But this pair of additional eyes goes missing

        18   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  JUNE / JULY 2017                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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