Page 15 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 15


                                                                                “It has been said that today’s air cargo
                                                                                paperwork  would  be  fairly  familiar  to  16th
                                                                                century Dutch merchants. But initiatives are
                                                                                underway that will have a substantial impact
                                                                                on the industry.”

                                                                                New Trend
                                                                                The industry’s multi-faceted strategy calls
                                                                                not only for improvements in speed, but
                                                                                improvements in quality too, with real
                                                                                time tracking and data accuracy high on
                                                                                the agenda. Enthusiasm is widespread
                                                                                for advancing the use of electronic
                                                                                documentation,  which  promises  to
                                                                                enhance the industry’s security, efficiency,
                                                                                and sustainability by replacing paper
                                                                                documentation with online transactions.
                                            for our Prime members for years to come,”   Interest in IATA’s electronic air waybill
                                            Dave Clark, Amazon’s Senior Vice President   (e-AWB) project is particularly high. IATA’s
                                            of worldwide operations, says. The company   Global Air Cargo Advisory Group (GACAG)
                                            has  been on  a  drive to  improve  delivery   is currently reviewing the project—which
                                            speeds.  It recently  launched Amazon Flex,   promotes electronic, harmonised Customs
                                            a scheme that lets people earn money   procedures as well as other initiatives—to
                                            delivering packages for Amazon.  The U.S.   recommend an industry roadmap. The e-AWB
                                            e-commerce giant also has a network of   is intended to replace the 30-different
                                            4,000 trailers to increase trucking capacity,   paper documents an airfreight shipment
                                            as well as over 125 fulfilment centers globally   generates with electronic communication. It
                                            and 20 sortation centers where robots can   removes the requirement for a paper waybill,
                                            pick parcels, according to Clark. Amazon also   and promises to enable more accurate
                                            has plans to begin using drones for deliveries.   information, deliver confidentiality and
                                            Recently, the company struck a deal with the   efficiency, reduce paper handling costs, and
                                            U.K. government to test its unmanned aerial   expedite delivery times.
                                            vehicles in Britain.                   IATA has set a goal for 15 per cent e-AWB
                                               Glyn Hughes, IATA’s Head  of Cargo,   usage by the end of 2012, 70 per cent by the
                                            believes the emergence of new players like   end of 2013, and 100 per cent usage the year
                                            Amazon is a positive step for the air cargo   after. The airfreight industry is depending on
                                            sector. “It shows that a company like Amazon   the efficiencies promised by new freighters,
                                            thinks air cargo will continue to be important   electronic  documentation,  harmonized
                                            to fast delivery and new consumer trends,”   standards, and updated air traffic control
                                            he says. “And competition should always   systems. Despite economic uncertainties
                                            be welcomed. It makes everybody more   and  regulatory  requirements,  air  cargo
                                            efficient.”  The trick for established cargo   carriers  are ready  for anything.  “Optimism
                                            carriers, he adds, is to understand where and   is returning to the industry as the business
                                            how they want to compete. The consumer’s   stabilises after many years in the doldrums,”
                                            need for instant gratification is accelerating.   de Juniac of IATA says, adding, “There is,
        Above: 2017 has been a good year    What they buy today, they expect to be   however, still much ground to recover while
        for air cargo, with worldwide air   delivered tomorrow—even if the goods are   facing the dual headwinds of rising fuel and
        cargo traffic reaching its highest   coming from the other side of the world. “On   labour costs.” IATA says countries with 1 per
        level in nearly seven years
                                            top of that, processes must cope with the   cent better air cargo connectivity engage
        LeFt:  The  Boeing  767-300,        new dynamic of thousands of goods having   in 6 per cent more trade. By implementing
        operated by Amazon’s air cargo      thousands of different recipients delivered   policies  that  promote  the  efficient
        provider Atlas Air is called “Amazon   in myriad innovative ways. Air cargo must   movement of air cargo governments have
        One” and is one of 40 aircraft that
        the company plans to lease from     learn how to interface with each of them.   tremendous potential to improve their trade
        Atlas Air and ATSG                  “There is a long way to go,” accepts Hughes.   competitiveness on a global level.
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