Page 16 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 16


        Sharper Eyes

        The ATC world is starting to embrace big changes in order to handle increased air traffic
        By Jay Menon

        AviAtion mYsteries suCH  As  tHe    oceans and poles where there are no other   limiting the impact of a legacy surveillance
        disappearance  of  Malaysian  Airlines  surveillance options, the ability to provide   outage or system failure, he adds. Aireon and
        Flight 370 may become a thing of the past   optimum flight profiles and routes is limited.   the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
        within a year and a half. The first global air   “Aireon aims to change this by placing ADS-B   have already conducted a successful flight
        traffic surveillance system using a space-  receivers on the Iridium NEXT constellation,   test of the space-based ADS-B technology,
        based Automatic Dependent  Surveillance-  which consists of 66 Low Earth Orbit   collecting ADS-B data to be used as part
        Broadcast (ADS-B) network will make it   (LEO) satellites,” says  Thoma. “This space-  of a larger validation effort exploring the
        possible to extend visibility across the   based AD-B receiver network will relay   new system’s capability from low-earth
        planet. On January 14, 2017, the first ten   signals from all ADS-B equipped aircraft to   orbit.   The flight took place  on March 30,
        Iridium NEXT satellites carrying the Aireon   controllers worldwide, allowing 100 per cent   2017, utilizing the FAA’s specially equipped
        ADS-B hosted payload were successfully   global air traffic surveillance regardless   “flying laboratory” Bombardier jet with three
        launched from  Vandenberg Air Force Base   of terrain, location or infrastructure and   AireonSM  payloads  available  to  receive
        in California on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.  In   without requiring any additional surveillance   data.  A total of 2,462 ADS-B messages were
        about 18 months, Iridium’s new constellation   infrastructure by the ANSPs or equipage by   received and decoded providing comparable
        will be fully in place.             the airlines.”.                     data  to  that  of  terrestrial  ADS-B  stations.
           “Iridium’s  new  satellites  feature  According to the Aireon official, full   According to Aireon, the flight test was highly
        ADS-B  receivers capable  of tracking  the   surveillance over oceanic and remote airspace   choreographed and precisely located and
        GPS position of ADS-B-equipped aircraft    will bring more efficient use of airspace,   timed within the Washington and New York
        in real time anywhere above the earth’s   substantial fuel savings, fewer delays and   Flight Information Regions (FIRs) to help
        surface,” says Aireon Chief Executive   significant enhancement of safety over large   provide validation of the capabilities of the
        Officer Don Thoma. Aireon will enable real-  parts of the world. “The space-based ADS-B   Aireon system.
        time transmission of ADS-B reports from   system will allow air traffic controllers to   Made possible by the FAA’s NextGen
        equipped aircraft to Air Traffic Management   provide airlines with increased flexibility to   program, the coordinated flight test involved
        (ATM) automation platforms and Air Traffic   optimize  altitudes, fly  more direct  routes   trials of 125-watt top and bottom-mounted
        Controllers (ATCs) in every Flight Information   and avoid weather interruptions which   antennas on the FAA’s “flying laboratory” jet
        Region (FIR) throughout the world.  drives billions in fuel savings for airlines,”   known as N47. Aireon’s space-based ADS-B
           Currently, 70 per cent of the world’s FIRs   Thoma says. Space-based ADS-B can be   global surveillance and aircraft tracking
        are uncovered by any real-time surveillance.   used to complement existing surveillance   technology is largely a combination of FAA
        Terrestrial  surveillance  systems,  such  as   systems, allowing ANSPs to optimize current   NextGen advancements, and the Iridium®
        radar,  land-based  ADS-B and  Wide  Area   surveillance infrastructure,  reducing costs   NEXT satellite constellation, which hosts
        Multilateration (WAM) are limited to line-of-  and improving reliability, he says.  Aireon’s   the  Aireon  ADS-B  receivers.  “A  flight  test
        sight and can be expensive to implement and   space-based ADS-B system can also be used   coordinated with the FAA was the ultimate
        maintain in remote locations. In areas such as   as a contingency surveillance layer, aimed at   validation accomplishment for the Aireon
        16   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  JUNE / JULY 2017                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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