Page 12 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 12


        Customer Connect

        The desire to be closer to its customers inspired Diehl Aerosystems to open its
        Singapore subsidiary

                                                                                the airlines and MROs and asking for their
                                                                                needs and then  taking  the information
                                                                                and putting it in new products and new
                                                                                services that go into the new aircraft.

                                                                                How will production rate cut for the A380
                                                                                impact Diehl Aerosystems contribution to
                                                                                the aircraft?
                                                                                Harald: We do the complete interior, including
                                                                                the lavatories, so it has a tremendous effect.
                                                                                But the good thing is that we are also in A350.
                                                                                So, if the A380 is going down, the A350 is
                                                                                coming up. However, it’s really sad that A380
                                                                                is not as successful as expected.
                                                                                   Michael: This is of course a certain loss
        Harald Mehring, Chief Customer Officer  Michael Finkenburger, SVP Customer Support  for us. However, we are very competitive and
                                                                                bigger OEMs seem to have a keen interest in
        dieHL AerosYstems  HAs mArKed       for original equipment. We outfit the A350,   our products. We have won a large package
        the first anniversary of its Singaporean   for example. Most of the cabin interior   on A350, which compensates for the A380.
        subsidiary Diehl Aerospace Pte. Ltd., a   elements, except the seats, is coming   But it’s clear that we, as the first tier, are
        joint venture with  Thales, by inaugurating   from us.  This also includes everything in   risk sharing partners to the big OEMs.
        its  Customer  Support  Center  (CSC).  Asian   the cockpit. We also provide the avionics   Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose.
        Airlines  &  Aerospace  spoke with  Harald   systems.  When it comes to MRO, we are   We have to be big enough, which we are, to
        Mehring, Chief Customer Officer and Michael   talking mainly about repair of avionics   sustain this.
        Finkenburger, SVP Customer Support   and lightings and spare parts distribution
        at Diehl Aerosystems to understand the   for the rest. But of course, the aftersales,   The firm is going a step beyond LED mood
        company’s plans for the region.     which is customer support mainly, is   lighting  to  offer  projection  technology
        Edited excerpts from the interview:  important field to grow. Especially, when   featuring moving images and video on
                                            we look at digitalization, for example. With   aircraft sidewalls. Please elaborate?
        When did Diehl Aerosystems start    new business models, the service part of   Michael: This is a very important topic. When
        operations in Singapore?            manufacturing is getting  more  and  more   it  comes  to  lighting,  you  can  understand
        Michael: We started from the January 1st this   important.  At the moment, 15 per cent   that it’s a very good idea to have maybe
        year.  We have been working together with   of our turnover is related to customer   certain standard cabin and the lighting and
        Thales over the years and it has been a very   support. So roughly 180-200 million euro   the projection can enhance this to the very
        good cooperation. However, for strategic   out of 1.5bn euro is generated by our MRO   branding of the operator. So, on one hand, we
        reasons, we made this move. Not only is   activities. What’s not included in the MRO   have huge flexibility to print planning of the
        our company growing, but our customers   activities is what we call aircraft retrofit,   customer inside the cabin with his colours.
        also expect us to be directly serving them.   when it comes to really doing cabin renewal   On the other hand, we want to provide new
        Listening to our customer, we decided that   – replacing with new lavatories and galleys   services around this – about advertisements
        this would be a good approach. More so, Asia   and installing new lights for a completely   or about other third-party apps that we can
        Pacific is the emerging market, and a good   fresh look and feel. Also with the ceiling   use to extend the look and feel of the cabin.
        platform for our ideas,  for our innovations   and the sidewall linings, then you have the   Digitalisation service around this is also
        and for the surfaces, which we are developing.   new overhead bins, so the retrofit market   possible. So, this is the future for us – the
                                            is a growing market. Direct market access   enhancement of the whole cabin experience,
        Tell us about your operations in general and   is very important for us, not being only   especially when you look at the fact that
        in the region?                      dependent on the information we get from   leasing of the aircraft is a growing business.
        Harald: We are an OEM company and we do   the aircraft manufacturers on the market   We can say today that roughly 25-30 per cent
        business with the aircraft manufacturers   and their customers, but going directly to   of the aircraft are leased.  This is growing.
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