Page 14 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 14




        Looming Crisis

        Airlines around the globe have started feeling the impact of the global shortage of pilots
        By Arun Sivasankaran

        Where have all the pilots gone? How   was released in October, said that it expects   passenger numbers.
        are the birds going to fly?         7.8 billion passengers to travel in 2036, a   As per Boeing’s 2017-2036 Pilot &
        These questions, which have been raising their   near doubling of the 4 billion air travelers in   Technician Outlook, carriers around the globe
        head among players in the commercial airline   2016. The prediction is based on a 3.6 percent   will add as many as 41,030 new airplanes by
        industry  for quite a while  now,  seem more   annual Compound Average Growth Rate   2036, with 16,050 of them being operated
        pertinent with each passing day. In a classic   (CAGR).                 by airlines in Asia Pacific. This will create a
        case of bad timing, the global shortage of   “All indicators lead to growing demand   demand for 253,000 new pilots in the region.
        pilots threatens to worsen at a time when the   for global connectivity,” says Alexandre de   Europe, Middle East and Latin America will
        industry is poised for unprecedented growth   Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO. “It’s   need 106,000, 63,000, and 52,000 pilots, in
        over the next two decades, particularly in the   fantastic news for innovation and prosperity,   that order.
        Asia Pacific region that is rapidly becoming   which is driven by air links. It is also a huge   According to the AITA forecast, Asia
        the hub of aviation activity.       challenge for governments and industry   Pacific  will  be the  source  of more  than
                                            to  ensure  we  can  successfully  meet  this   half  the new  passengers  over  the  next two
        The Global Situation                essential demand.”  With the future looking   decades. China will replace the United States
        According to the 2017 Boeing Global Services   rosy, carriers are investing in more aircraft,   as the world’s largest aviation market in
        forecast, the world’s commercial aviation   thus creating such a need for pilots that   2022, two years earlier than the association
        industry will require approximately 637,000   demand far outstrips supply.   had forecast in 2016. The United Kingdom will
        new  pilots  in the  period  between 2017  and                          fall to fifth place by 2030, surpassed by India
        2036.  If you break the numbers down, that  Problems for Asia           in 2025, and Indonesia in 2030. Thailand and
        is 87 new pilots every day. About 40 percent   Much of the growth in air travel demand  is   Turkey will enter the top ten largest markets,
        of the new pilots will replace those who will   in the Asia Pacific region, particularly China   displacing France and Italy.
        retire sometime during the period.   and India, where a growing middle class   The five fastest-growing markets in
           The need for such a large number of pilots   with expendable income is choosing air over   terms of annual additional passengers
        is mainly due to the fact that more people   other modes of travel. With low cost carriers   in 2036, compared to 2017, will be China,
        are flying these days than even before. The   thriving in the region and making air travel   with 921 million new passengers for a total
        International Air  Transport Association   affordable to most people, all the drivers   of 1.5 billion, the US with 401 million new
        (IATA), in its 20-year passenger forecast that   are in place for continued growth of air   passengers for a total of 1.1 billion, India
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