Page 15 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
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        with 337 million new passengers for a total   While carriers and industry experts   that is affected. In a clear indication that the
        of 478 million, Indonesia, with 235 million   discuss ways to tackle the shortage, pilots and   U.S. military is also hurting badly because
        new passengers for a total of 355 million,   their unions say the problem can be solved by   of the lack of enough aviators, President
        and  Turkey, which will see 119 million new   ensuring that the pay offered by carriers is   Donald Trump recently invoked the National
        passengers for a total of 196 million.  The   good enough to attract new talent and retain   Emergencies Act and signed an  executive
        industry will not only have to ensure a steady   them. Many carriers have already moved in   order that allows the Air Force to voluntarily
        stream of new pilots to meet the demand in   that direction; United, American and Delta   recall up to 1,000 retired pilots for active
        these countries but also deal with the need   have all signed new contracts with their pilots   duty. The intention is to get the force ready as
        created by other fast-growing markets, many   to raise their hourly wages. Working conditions   the administration gets ready to act on a new
        of which are in Africa.             have improved considerably as well.  Afghanistan war strategy that includes more
                                                                                U.S. troops in Afghanistan and increased U.S.
        Fancy Salaries                      Regional Airlines Hit Hard          air support for the Afghan military.
        In developing Asian countries, the costs   U.S. carriers have started feeling the pinch   “We anticipate that the Secretary of
        of becoming  a pilot  can  be prohibitive –   already. In 2016, Republic Airways, a feeder   Defence will delegate the authority to the
        especially in countries that do not have an   airline for United Airlines, Delta Air Lines   Secretary of the Air Force to recall up to
        adequate  number  of  aviation  academies   and American Airlines, filed for bankruptcy   1,000 retired pilots for up to three years,” said
        of  their  own.  While  major  carriers  have   protection  after  it  had to  ground  many  of   Navy Cmdr. Gary Ross, Pentagon spokesman,
        cadetship  programmes  or have  links to   its planes due to shortage pilots. The airline,   in a statement.
        training academies that ensure a steady   which had a fleet of about 240 regional jets,   The Air Force does not intend to
        stream of pilots, many emerging Asian   has since emerged from bankruptcy. Earlier   immediately  act  on  the  freedom  they  now
        airlines have been forced to compete with   this year, Horizon Air,  the regional  arm  of   have to recall retired pilots, but as per the
        each other for the limited number of pilots   Alaska Airlines, canceled 6 percent of its   Pentagon, the service is short by about
        that are available. The situation is different   schedule, or more than 300 flights, in August   1,500 pilots.  The shortage is not limited to
        in China where between 4,000 and 5,000   and September due to a pilot crisis. Irish   the Air Force; other branches of the military,
        new airline pilots are needed every year for   budget carrier Ryanair has also had to cancel   including the Navy, also are wondering when
        the next two decades; with training schools   flights due to the same reason.  and where their next qualified pilot is going
        not churning out the required of pilots, some   It is not a coincidence that regional airlines   to come from.
        carriers are offering skilled pilots annual   are the first ones to bear the brunt of the   The shortage of Air Force pilots is a
        salaries of more than US$300,000. It is not a   crisis. The disparity in pay in the U.S. between   direct consequence of the dearth felt in the
        coincidence that carriers in the country have   pilots of regional carriers and that of major   commercial airline industry. Carriers, not only
        managed to attract top notch talent from   airlines is so great that poaching is common   within the country but also in Europe and
        various corners of the globe.       practice. With big airlines taking hundreds of   Asia, have been increasingly and aggressively
                                            pilots away from small carriers every year,   wooing  Air  Force  pilot  with  attractive  pay
        Losing Experience                   cancellation of flights among regional airlines   packages.  Waking up to the threat posed
        Fleet growth and retirement of current pilots   have become increasingly common.   by  carriers, the service  has come  up with
        will generate a need for 117,000 new pilots in   There  is  competition  from  other  parts  of   programmes to retain talent, such as the
        North America, which has a high percentage   the globe - carriers in the Middle East and Asia   Aviator Bonus Programme that are worth up
        of older pilots. Imagine 16 new pilots entering   are offering huge money for pilots. According   to US$455,000 over 13 years. Although not for
        the U.S. airline industry every day, or 5,840 a   to Ross, the CEO of Wasinc International, a firm   pilots only, the force’s “100 percent promotion
        year over the next twenty years; it has never   that finds pilots for Chinese airlines, the pay for   opportunity” programme  is also intended to
        happened before and it will have to happen   pilots keep going higher because there simply   stop the talent drain from the service.
        for carriers to be able to meet the demand   aren’t enough pilots to meet the demand.
        for air travel.                        In an attempt to retain aviators, regional  Stricter Guidelines
           While the demand for pilots in Asia Pacific   carriers have hiked pay and introduced sign on   Another fact that is compounding the crisis
        is driven mostly by the growth in fleet size of   bonuses - the average starting pay has gone   for U.S.-based carriers is the fact that it
        carriers, it is retirement of active pilots that is   up from US$23,000 to $46,000 in the last few   is harder to become a pilot these days. A
        causing a headache for airlines in the United   years.  The increase is, however, not enough   decade ago, a pilot could fly a regional airliner
        States. According to a report earlier this year   to keep skilled pilots from moving to bigger   with as few as 250 hours of flight time, but
        by Cowen & Company, about 22,000 pilots, or   carriers; senior pilots and captains at major U.S.   after a series of crashes culminating in the
        42percent of active U.S. airline pilots, will retire   airlines take home between about US$150,000-  2009 Colgan Air crash that killed 50 outside
        over the next 10 years. The retirement of pilots   US$200,000 annually, on average.   of Buffalo, new pilot training rules were
        of carriers in the country will start to rise sharply                   introduced. New pilots require 1,500 hours of
        from 2021, as the current generation of pilots  The Air Force Angle     flight time before they get their air transport
        bow out at 65, the mandated age of retirement.  It is not only the commercial airline industry   pilots license.
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