Page 18 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 18


        Airline Congregation

        Industry leaders gathered at the 61st AAPA Assembly of Presidents were optimistic about
        the overall health of the industry
        By Aprajita Anil

        tHe AssoCiAtion oF AsiA PACiFiC     Pacific aviation industry.”         manpower needs will also increase. Close
        Airlines’ (AAPA) 61st Assembly of Presidents   Out of the global population of seven   coordination with governments on all these
        returned to  Taipei after a span of 14   billion, this year more than four billion   fronts will be needed.”
        years and the event delivered a valuable   passengers are expected to travel by air and a
        insight into the challenging dynamics and   third of those will be carried by Asian airlines.  Emerging Markets
        untapped opportunities of Asia’s burgeoning   According  International  Air  Transport  Speaking about the increasing number of
        commercial aviation market. “Arriving a   Association (IATA), about half of this growth   consumers,  he said  that emerging markets
        few days ago at the very busy  Taoyuan   in passenger traffic in the next 20 years will   are experiencing a rapid growth and the
        International Airport was a reminder of the   be  in the  Asia  Pacific region.  “Such  growth   numbers far exceeds that of the developing
        sheer numbers of people travelling by air   is exciting but comes with its own share of   market.  This growth trend is going to
        these days.  We all welcome this because   challenges,” added Herdman. “To move such   continue, leading to a transformation of the
        more  passengers  mean  more  business   large numbers of travelers efficiently, we   aviation industry as well as other industries.
        for airlines. More importantly, this scene,   need to put in place the necessary facilities   Further highlighting the exponential growth
        repeated in countless other airports around   and infrastructure capacity. At the same time,   seen by the Asian market. Herdman listed
        the region, which underscores the important   we must constantly think of new ways to move   world’s 10 busiest international/regional
        contribution of the aviation industry to the   people in the most efficient, secure and cost   routes.  With an exception of the Dublin-
        economy,” said AAPA director general Andrew   effective manner, whilst smoothing the flow   London route (ranked at no. 3) and the
        Herdman in his opening address at the event,   and improving the overall travel experience.   London-New York route (ranked at no. 7) the
        while adding, “The vibrant airline sector here,   Additionally, we should be looking at how we   remaining 8 routes are from Asia. He added,
        booming tourism levels and rapidly growing   can reduce barriers to cross border travel,   “The key point is that on all Asian routes, there
        passenger traffic, reflects the energy and   including making use of new technologies.   are at least 5 airlines competing. In some
        long-term optimism that surrounds the Asia   The expansion of the sector means that   places, many more.” The story was similar for
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