Page 34 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 34


        Eye on the Future

        As shortage looms, industry gears up with robust training system
        By Aprajita Anil

        An unpreCedented  FoCus on  the     region has the capacity to train only about   in 2015. Malaysian Airlines raised it from 55
        merger and acquisition in the Asian airline   5,000 people a year. This shortfall punctures   to 60, Singapore Airline keeps it at a flexible
        industry, corresponding to the growing air   the region’s fast-growing airlines with   range of 62-64 years and Air Asia mandates
        passenger traffic, has led to a dramatic rise   serious problems, often creating a situation   retirement  at 65.  Pilots at  the higher end
        in the trained manpower required to operate   where an airframer is willing to sell airplanes,   of the retirement have to go through more
        these aircrafts. According to Boeing’s 2017   however, the airlines is in a situation where   frequent medical check-ups. Although China
        20-year global Pilot and Technician Outlook,   they have had to cut back on flights or cancel   too had been looking at raising the age from
        the Asia-Pacific region will have the highest   expansion plans  because of an inability  to   60 in the next two to three years, the plan has
        demand globally for pilots, technicians and   find qualified crews. In 2015, two Japanese   been put on hold.
        cabin crew. The region will need 253,000 new   carriers cut back on flights because they
        pilots, 256,000 new technicians and 308,000   couldn’t find pilots. JetStar too had held off   Fresh Intake
        new cabin crew by 2036. This accounts for   its regional expansion plans for this reason.    Several airlines have found success with
        nearly 40 percent of the total global demand   Statistics show that at the current rate   what are called ab-initio programs. Under
        forecast. This  figure,  however,  continues  to   of pilots entering the profession, it will be   this program, young candidates, with no prior
        change every month.                 difficult to meet the average appointment   experience, are chosen, trained and groomed
                                            of “70 new type-rated pilots per day globally”,   from the ground-up in a tightly controlled
        Demand and Supply                   a number stated by the Canadian firm CAE.   atmosphere. This ultra-competitive approach
        With the boom in the demand for air travel   Apart from the natural consequence of the   produces quality pilots, but again the time
        in the region, driven by strong economic   industry growth, there are several other   taken to produce these cock-pit ready pilots,
        growth, growing middle class, appearance of   reasons for this shortage. An important factor   is being outpaced by the industry growth. This
        new low-cost carriers and several upcoming   being the cost of training. Pilot retirement   then forces the airlines industry in Asia to go
        new routes, Asia-Pacific is certainly a   has been another factor. Either pilots have   hunting for pilots – experienced captains and
        key growth market creating tremendous   reached the retirement age of 65, or have   first officers – from the western world. It is
        demand for pilots to fly all those new planes.   taken early retirement in pursuit of other   estimated that 10 per cent of the Asia Pacific
        However, according to a 2011 study from the   career options or loss of medical fitness. In an   pilots are expatriates. In addition to offering
        International Civil Aviation Organization   effort to ease the shortage, Japan had raised   high salaries, which are about 10-15 per cent
        (ICAO), United Nation’s aviation agency, the   the bar from 62 to 64 in 2004 and again to 67   more than their western counterparts, certain
                                                                                countries offer a variety of other benefits too.
                                                                                Some even offer to pay the applicable tax.
                                                                                   The   relaxing  regulations  and
                                                                                infrastructure investments make India and
                                                                                China, in particular, a high-demand market. In
                                                                                China, the airlines may offer salary premiums
                                                                                by 70 per cent. However, the deficit also
                                                                                presents the region with a huge opportunity
                                                                                for airlines and other companies that
                                                                                provide training services. Some airlines help
                                                                                by running sponsorship programs, where the
                                                                                airline guarantees a loan that is repaid over
                                                                                time once a trainee begins work with that
                                                                                company. However, most of these programs
                                                                                are based on bonds or installment payment
                                                                                systems which may not work for everyone

                                                                                Complimentary Approach
                                                                                The other route the airlines are resorting
                                                                                to as a part of plan to ease the pressure of
                                                                                pilot shortage, are through partnership with
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