Page 35 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 35


                                                                                years, in part simply because of a looming
                                                                                pilot shortage and also because of increased
                                                                                pay at the regional airlines.
                                                                                   The story in North America, the United
                                                                                States particularly, is different. Retirements
                                                                                at US airlines will start to rise precipitously
                                                                                starting in 2021 as the current group of pilots
                                                                                turns 65, the mandated age of retirement.
                                                                                A report by Cowen & Company states that
                                                                                more than 42 per cent of active US airline
                                                                                pilots at the biggest carriers will retire over
                                                                                the next 10 years, which is about 22,000. This
                                                                                acute shortage is already creating problems.
                                                                                   Efforts are being taken by the airline
                                                                                industry to overcome this growing shortage.
                                                                                While developing training programs and
                                                                                strategies to attract and retain the right crew
                                                                                is the prime focus of the industry globally,
        flight  academies.  Aircraft  manufacturing   in 2019.   Over 25 carriers, mostly based in   there are several other factors that may give
        giants Airbus and Boeing are also setting up   Asia Pacific, have signed up with the Airbus   airline advantage a competitive advantage.
        their training centers to meet the training   Asia training center for their flight training   Conducting  regular  pay  reviews is
        demands. Seeing strong demand for the   needs.  These include Philippines Airlines,   considered  the most  obvious method  of
        737 Max in the Asia Pacific region, Boeing   PAL Express and Cebu Pacific.   attracting and retaining pilots. However,
        has commissioned its first 737 Max 8 full                               added  financial  perks  such  as  free  meals,
        flight simulator at the Boeing  Training   Innovation is the Key        accommodation and flights for family
        & Professional Services in Singapore.   Apart from flight simulator training, which is   members act as a true differentiation from
        Certified  by the  Civil  Aviation Authority  of   also an example of an expedited pilot training,   competitor airlines. Seeking to improve
        Singapore and the European Aviation Safety   there is a need for creating other innovative   airline working conditions by having more
        Agency, the new equipment joins two 737NG   and proactive development pathways.  The   regular schedules, longer rest periods, and
        machines, two 787-8 units and a 777-300   industry is also experiencing an increasing   revisions in the number of hours required to
        simulator already in service. The region will   trend of faster promotions. Earlier the co-  fly annually could also have positive effects.
        see at least 15 operators of the 737 Max,   pilots typically spent 8 to 10 years working   With a growing concern over the huge
        including launch customer Lionair Group,   in the right seat before becoming captains.   gap  between  the  supply  and  demand  of
        Garuda Indonesia and Vietjet Air.   However, today this learning curve exhibits   pilots across the world, the airline industry
           The company has also introduced its   a very steep growth.  The first officers are   will need to explore a variety of creative
        new interactive classrooms for the 737 Max   getting opportunities to upgrade themselves   approaches to attract and retain pilots. One
        to Singapore. The Singapore campus plans   much  earlier. However, this  fast-paced   important approach is to put in place a more
        to organize a series of visits for five to six   career growth calls for a very robust training   flexible and tailored solutions for rewards
        airlines from the region that are either 737   pathway.  A  data-driven  training  is  the  next   and benefits.
        Max clients or potential clients. Plans call   breakthrough. Advanced data collection and
        for Shanghai to become the second Boeing   analysis  techniques  allows the  instructor
        training campus in Asia to operate the 737   to address competency gaps.  This system
        Max simulator and the new training model.   makes the training sessions more effective
        The company has also revealed that it   by providing an objective evaluation of pilot   opposite  pAge:  Demand
        plans to install a 787-9 simulator in time for   skills and elevating the standard by which   outstrips  supply  and  in  the  Asia-
        operation by November this year.    they are trained.                   Pacific region. Airlines, aircraft
           Meanwhile the Asia training center                                   OEMs and companies that provide
        of Airbus, a joint venture with Singapore   Other Factors at Play       pilot training are all struggling to
                                                                                meet the requirements for more
        Airlines offers pilot type-rating and recurrent   Another aspect that the airline industry has   and more pilots
        training courses for all in-production Airbus   started to tap into is the unrepresented
        jetliner variants. It will have the capacity to   labour pool of female pilots, who represent   top:  An estimated 22,000 active
        offer courses for more than 10,000 trainees   less than 5 per cent of airline pilots. There is   U.S. airline pilots will retire in the
                                                                                next 10  years, as they attain the
        annually, becoming Airbus’ largest flight   a general sense of optimism that the ranks of   retirement age of 65 mandated in
        crew training facility when fully operational   female airline pilots will grow in the coming   the USA
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