Page 36 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 36


        Iran: Next Aviation Super Power?

        Airports mega projects represent generous opportunities for global
        manufacturers and supply chain

        By Adrienne Harebottle

        tehrAn,  CApitAl oF  the  islAMiC   important facts relevant to the question   and an abundance of “black gold,” Iran yields
        Republic of Iran, to be the new air hub of the   here is that Iran ranks second in the world   considerable potential and has the capacity
        region? Some people may not easily envision   in natural gas reserves and fourth in proven   to redefine the Middle East.
        this happening. But what were their thoughts   crude oil reserves. Oil rich and relatively   The next question then is why. With Dubai,
        tens of years back; did they see the world’s   strong despite four decades of sanctions,   Abu Dhabi and Doha, why should yet another a
        busiest airport for international traffic being   Iran  has  an  economy  characterised  by  the   new air hub be ushered into the region? Iran’s
        in the Arabian dessert?  Yet, surprisingly or   hydrocarbon sector, agriculture and services   perspective is obvious; the country would
        not, the UAE’s audacious aviation dream   sectors, and a noticeable state presence in   gladly  welcome all  the rewards afforded
        was realised.  The Middle Eastern, hot and   manufacturing and financial services.   by the world’s air hubs. Taking the pinnacle
        sandy wastelands gave birth not just to   In addition to significant wealth on the   example, Dubai airport recorded 83.6 million
        Dubai International Airport, but also to Abu   back of generous and virtually untapped oil   passengers in 2016, retaining its title as
        Dhabi’s and Doha’s – all three are today air   reserves, Iran’s location is highly favourable.   the world’s No 1 airport for international
        hubs, accommodating massive amounts of   Tehran, similarly to Dubai, is a halfway   travellers.  These figures translate to a
        passengers, 24/7. Could Iran too achieve this?   point between Europe and Asia, and just   huge economic boost; its aviation sector
           According to the  World Bank, Iran is   as conveniently placed for connections to   contributes  around  27  percent  of  GDP.  By
        the second largest economy in the Middle   Africa. In fact, Tehran is even better situated   2020, this figure is estimated to grow to 35
        East and North Africa after Saudi Arabia.   than Dubai, being further north as well as   percent with the sector supporting 750,000
        Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 2016   closer to the traditional flight corridors   jobs. Furthermore, the Dubai airport’s retail
        is estimated at US$412.2 billion. It also has   between Europe and Asia. This means that   turnover is worth billions of dollars, too.
        the second largest population of the region   a passenger travelling from the  West to   Naturally, the positive impact this would have
        after Egypt, with an estimated 78.8 million   East will save two hours of travel time by   on Iran’s economy would be colossal. But
        people in 2015. Perhaps one of the most   stopping  in  Tehran.  Favourable  geography   beyond Iran’s interests, and the two hours
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