Page 37 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 37


        or travel time saved by stopping in  Tehran   Abu Dhabi and Doha, with altitudes of 16, 27   Khomeini Airport City, opening up numerous
        rather than Dubai, what are the pros?     and 15 metres above sea level, respectively.   tax-free and customs-free benefits.
                                            Even Istanbul, which is another rival hub, has   Iran made international news fairly
        Benefits: Iran’s Neighbours, Airlines   a much lower altitude, situated 40 metres   recently with staggeringly large aircraft
        and the Industry                    above sea level. Comparatively,  Tehran’s   orders.  Yet, the country is set to order
        According to Iran’s Minister of Roads and   location makes a noteworthy difference   another 600 aircraft over the next 10 years.
        Transportation  Abbas  Akhoundi,  Tehran   during landing and take-off.    n with a y-o-y growth of 20.5 percent
        as  a  regional  air  hub  offers  a  competitive   While it may sound like a most audacious   (including Mainland China, Hong Kong,
        edge on top of shorter and unidirectional   idea, the fact remains that the Middle   Macau  and  Taiwan).    Growth  remained
        corridors. While Dubai may be the de facto   East has yielded  a plethora of incredible   healthy in New Zealand (seven percent) and
        hub for travellers from India or Africa, as   superlatives, and Iran, with considerable   South Korea (six percent). Australia, Japan
        well as passengers travelling between Asia   wealth of resources and indigenous skills and   and the Philippines, all grew at two percent
        and Europe,  Tehran provides a more cost-  know-how, could very well soon welcome to   in 2016, while India and Thailand managed a
        effective option compared to Dubai, which   the region a brand-new air hub. What is also   one  percent  growth  rate  as  per  the  report.
        is amongst the top most expensive cities in   certain is that Iran modernising its aerospace   Growth rates are expected to improve
        the world. Iran is also home to some of the   and airports sectors, as well as developing   next year on account of an improvement
        most beautiful and renowned sites of the   this air hub offers new opportunities for the   in the oil and gas market. However, with
        ancient world, something Dubai would have   global aviation industry. Iran, with substantial   Australia, China and India accounting for the
        an impossible time competing with. Iran’s   purchasing power and motive, represents   largest fleets of off-shore helicopters in the
        neighbours would also benefit from win-win   new market growth for the global industry –   region, growth rates are unlikely to pick up
        opportunities afforded by  Tehran’s unique   something very positive indeed!   drastically till 2020.
        advantages, says Akhoundi. One of the                                      In terms of markets for the four major
        important goals of Iran’s aviation reform plan  Iran’s Aviation Mega Projects   rotorcraft OEMs (Airbus, Bell, Sikorsky and
        is to increase the capacity of Asia-Pacific to   As Iran pushes ahead with its aviation reform   Leonardo), Australia remains the largest
        and from Europe air routes for the use of 200   plans, the nation is readying to drastically   market  for Bell,  Japan remains  the  largest
        million passengers a year, a goal hoped to be   overhaul some 54 airports across the   market for Airbus and Leonardo, while
        achieved by 2020.                   country. Iran will also be building seven new   Sikorsky continues to lead in the China
           Tehran’s competitive advantage extends   international airports and transforming   market  as  per  the  report. The  largest  fleet
        beyond the cost of living. The city is situated   its  Tehran-based international airport to   of Russian made  civil helicopters  in  the
        1,189 metres above sea level; an altitude that   become the region’s next air hub.   region is present in South Korea, whereas
        allows for significant fuel savings during   The location of this upcoming air hub has   India operates the largest Russian military
        landing and take-off compared to Dubai,   also been reclassified as a free zone, the Imam   helicopter fleet in the region. China remained
                                                                                the market driver in a weak 2016, with
                                                                                orders for a substantial 85 helicopters.
            AERO IRAN 2017: A PLETHORA OF TRADE OPPORTUNITIES                   MultiMission helicopters make up the bulk
            To facilitate Iran’s aviation mega projects, the Aero Iran exhibition is taking place   of the in-service fleet in APAC, however, the
            on December 10-13 this year. One of the main objectives of the trade show is to   coming years are expected to see substantial
            amass the international aviation manufactures and supply chain to showcase their   demand for search and rescue (SAR)
            latest technologies, equipment and services before key government attendees,   and emergency medical services (EMS)
            high-level delegations and stakeholders. Important attendees who have already
            confirmed participation include Iran’s Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Roads and   configured helicopters. Despite the oft-
            Transportation, Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade, the tri forces (Air, Land and   touted potential of India as a key rotorcraft
            Seas Forces), the Chief of Aviation and Aerospace, the Chief of Iran’s military Air   growth market due to its size and geography,
            Force, the Chief of Iran’s civil Air Force, the Chief of Iran’s Industrial Development   rotorcraft sales have not taken off in close to
            and Renovation Organisation (IRDO), the Vice-President of Science and Technology,   a decade. However, new Government policies
            and the Chief of Iran’s Chamber of Commerce, amongst others.
                                                                                have recently been announced and these
            WHAT’S ON DEMAND?                                                   could lead to India emerging as an important
            The commodity groups needed to enable Iran’s major airports projects include:   rotorcraft market post 2020.
            planning and construction consultancy, ground support equipment, ground
            support services,  communications networks, IT services, security services and
            training, surveillance technologies and services, airport operations services and   opposite  pAge: Imam Khomeini
            consulting, air traffic management, air traffic control, sound and lighting, catering   International Airport handled 7.2
            services, F&B services, travel retail services, waiting room construction, aircraft   million  passengers  and  around
                                                                                64,000 tons of cargo in 2015. A
            manufactures, airlines, hangar construction, fuel engineering, runway and taxiway   second terminal is under construction
            services, and apron construction services, amongst others.          and plans are afoot to develop it into
                                                                                the first airport city in Iran
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