Page 11 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2018 Online Magazine
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behind the Perth to London (9009 split. Service to New York and Los Airlines will get its first A350-
miles) for the 787-9. Angeles are expected to start by 900ULR later in the year for its
The largest member of the 787 year end. For many travelers the big non-stop to New York and Los
family, the 787-10 is now in ser- question is how I get a slice of the Angeles. Qatar Airways is another
vice with Singapore Airlines. And good life down the back. early adopter of the 787 and A350
across the Pacific, United Airlines A real quiet achiever is the A350 and was the first airline to get the
and American Airlines 787s oper- which is being used by Singapore -1000 variant.
ating into Japan and Asia. The 787 Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airways.
is also being used extensively by Singapore has 20 A350s in service Wi-Fi on the Rise
Air New Zealand, Thai International, and another 47 on order. Likewise, oving away from the
ANA, JAL and Scoot. Responding Cathay Pacific has a big commit- seating elements, the
to demand, Boeing is lifting produc- ment to the A350 with 22 in service roll out of Wi-Fi is really
tion to 14 aircraft a month. Since and another 24 on order. Cathay Mgaining momentum and
2011, the Boeing 787 has opened and Singapore Airlines are using has become a must have. According
up 170 new non-stop routes. In the the A350s to destinations such to the recent Routehappy Wi-Fi
last quarter of this year Singapore as Perth, Melbourne, Barcelona, Report, 82 airlines now offer inflight
Airlines will take delivery of its first Paris, Dusseldorf, Rome, London Wi-Fi covering almost half of global
A350-900ULR which will feature Gatwick, Manchester, Tel Aviv, New airline capacity in available seat
two cabins according to the air- York (Newark), San Francisco and miles. In the past year 12 additional
line. Sources in France tell Asian Vancouver. Cathay gets its first airlines started offering service
Airlines & Aerospace that the bet- larger A350-1000 mid-year and which is a 17 percent increase. And
ting man would suggest business the first route will be Washington the service is getting better as more
and premium economy as the likely DC in September, while Singapore airlines offer faster services. The
fastest Wi-Fi — available through
new satellite technology offered
by companies such as ViaSat
and Gogo — is now available on
16 percent of global airline ASMs
(Available Seat Miles), which is a
massive 129 percent increase on
the 2017 report. These systems can
offer access to streaming services
such as Netflix and are being rolled
out by a number of airlines. When
flying in the US you have the best
shot at getting connected with 85
per cent coverage, compared to 32
per cent globally.