Page 14 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2018 Online Magazine
P. 14

A380 fleet and the current order  more Dreamliner aircraft. Delta Air  Changes Galore
        backlog for 41 aircraft.            Lines is going ahead with its plans  Among the airlines undergoing a
           In  February  this  year,  Qatar  to replace its older 757s, McDonnell  major fleet renewal is the Lufthansa
        Airways, which was the first to fly  Douglas MD-90 and older A320 air-  Group, which is going in for as many
        the A350-900 in 2014, took delivery  craft with 100 Airbus A321neo jets.  as 251 new aircraft at a list price
        of the A350-1000, thus becoming  The carrier also expects to take  value of about US$46.6 billion. The
        the  aircraft’s  global  launch  cus-  delivery of some of its Bombardier  group, which is the biggest A320
        tomer.  The carrier intends to add  C Series jets this year; the aircraft,  operator, has ordered a total of 122
        another 36 A350-1000 to its fleet,  which was at the center of a bitter  Airbus A320neo aircraft, including
        with  delivery  expected  over  the  trade spat between Boeing and  45 A321neos, to be used on routes
        next few years. Twenty three of its  Bombardier, is expected to enter  by Lufthansa and Swiss. The air-
        42 A350-900 aircraft on order have  service early in 2019. The carrier  line also recently signed an order
        already  been  delivered,  with  the  is committed to buy at least 75 of  for three additional A320ceo air-
        rest expected before 2026. Qatar  the Bombardier planes. In May this  craft, bringing the Group’s A320ceo
        Airways, which has about 100        year, Alaska Airlines revised its    orders to 273.
                                                                                  British Airways’ parent company
                                                                               IAG,  which  is  in  talks  with  both
                                                                               Boeing and Airbus for new wide-
                                                                               body aircraft, is reputedly leaning
                                                                               the way of the American plane
                                                                               maker. The company also wants to
                                                                               update its fleet with narrowbody
                                                                               A320neo planes.
                                                                                  Air France-KLM is in the market
                                                                               for new medium-haul aircraft and
                                                                               will decide, by the end of 2018, on
                                                                               the jet for all four of the group’s
                                                                               subsidiaries.  Airbus,  Boeing,
                                                                               Bombardier and Embraer are all in
                                                                               with a chance to win the contract.
                                                                               The company is also expected to
        Boeing widebody aircraft in its fleet  original  order  for  15  Boeing  737  start talks with manufacturers next
        and another 100 on order, will take  MAX 8s by opting for the 737 MAX  year on renewing its short-haul fleet
        delivery of nearly 30 aircraft from  9. The airline, which has firm order  that is now comprised of A320s
        both Airbus and Boeing this year,  commitments  for  32  MAX  9  air-  and B737s.
        Chief Executive Officer Akbar al  craft, is scheduled to take delivery
        Baker said in January this year.    of its first MAX 9 in 2019, with the  Rough Weather Anticipated
           Air Arabia, the Sharjah-based  rest being added to its fleet before  The  decision  to  go  for  new,
        low-cost  carrier,  is  planning  to  2023. Another airline that is going  next-generation aircraft comes at
        update  its  fleet  by  adding  six  in  for  a  major  fleet  expansion  is  a time when carriers are expected
        Airbus  A321  neo  long-range  air-  Frontier Airlines; the low-cost car-  to experience a dip in profit in 2018,
        craft. The airline, which intends to  rier intends to order as many as 134  due to a host of reasons that include
        launch routes in Africa as well as  A320 neo aircraft.                 rising fuel prices and interest rates.
        Southeast Asia, will take delivery of                                  The  International  Air  Transport
        the aircraft starting in 2019.      Air Canada intends to phase out  Association (IATA), which had in
                                            all its remaining 25 Embraer EMB-  December last year forecast that
        North American Activity             190IGWs  by  mid-2019  and  will  carriers would enjoy profit worth
           n  April  this  year,  American  replace  them,  initially  by  Airbus  US$38.4 billion, has now revised it
           Airlines announced that it had  A319-100 and then by Bombardier  to US$33.8 billion. IATA’s initial pro-
           canceled a deal with Airbus to  CS300 aircraft in late 2019. The  jections for 2018 was based on the
       Ipurchase  22  A350s  and  was  airline has on order 45 Bombardier  assumption that the average Brent
        adding 47 new Boeing Dreamliner  jets, besides a total of 61 737 MAX  Crude price would be US$60; inter-
        jets to its fleet. The Boeing deal also  aircraft, including 49 B737 MAX 8s  national crude price have already
        includes the option to purchase 28  and 12 B737 MAX 9s.                climbed above US $75 a barrel.

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