Page 12 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2018 Online Magazine
P. 12

Pioneering Moves
                o, what is the tangible ben-
                efit to the bottom line of
                being an innovator? There
        Sis no better example than
        the  kiwi  airline  Air  New  Zealand
        which has striven to be an innovator
        ever since it was restructured after
        the privatization and Ansett deba-
        cle of the late 1990s. Through its
        pioneering adoption of technology
        and impactful marketing activity, the
        carrier has become a halo brand
        for  New  Zealand  globally  and  is
        now the most respected company
        in Australia which is an extraordi-
        nary feat considering how cynical
        Australians are of their Kiwi cousins.
        Chief Executive Officer Christopher
        Luxon, recognizes that the airline’s
        success is intertwined with New     first for children flying unaccompa-  to again reinvent the travel expe-
        Zealand’s  success  as  a  country.     nied, giving parents and guardians  rience as it did in 2010. Across the
        This awareness underpins the air-   the opportunity to follow each step  region  and  the  further  afield  Air
        line’s  commitment  to  a  purpose   of their young one’s journey from  New Zealand has become the air-
        bigger than itself: to supercharge   wherever they are in the world and  line to watch in the innovation field
        New Zealand’s success - socially,   robotic technology for engineering  and premium passengers flock to
        environmentally and economically.       staff to inspect aircraft fuselages  the carrier. Considering it is located
        And the staff, empowered with the   more closely and a coffee order-   at the bottom of the globe and the
        very latest in product and technol-  ing function on its mobile app for  end of the line from a network per-
        ogy  are  supercharged  and  have   Air New Zealand lounge customers  spective and with a largely rural
        delivered record profits.           and an Apple Watch app.            economy Air New Zealand’s focus
           The airline is delivering the best   Now the airline is going back to  on innovation shows what can be
        commercial performance of any       the drawing board on it cabin fit  achieved for the bottom line.
        Australasian carrier and is one of a
        handful of investment grade-rated
        airlines in the world. It has outper-
        formed its Asia-Pacific competitors
        in its operating profit margins con-
        sistently for the past three years
        up to FY17 with an operating profit
        margin of 10.6 percent compared
        to  Qantas  with  9.9  percent  and
        Singapore Airlines with 4.4 percent.
        The list of firsts for the airline in the
        region are many; first with Premium
        Economy; first with 787-9, first with
        A320  and  A321neos,  first  with
        winglets on the 767, first to retire
        passenger  747s;  designed  the
        Economy Skycouch; Chatbot Bravo
        Oscar Tango – artificial intelligence
        (AI)  to  help  with  Air  in  the  New
        Zealand Lounge; Airband, a world

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