Page 25 - AAA MARCH-APRIL 2012 Online Magazine
P. 25


                                                                                ANY  AIRCRAFT  MUST  DO  TWO  BASIC
                                                                                things:  it  must  fly  safely  and  also  carry
                                                                                enough passengers to make its owner a
                                                                                profit. As Zuzana Hrnkova, Head of Aircraft
                                                                                Interiors  Marketing  at  Airbus  succinctly
                                                                                points out, interior design is driven by two
                                                                                key  factors:  Passenger  –  comfort/well-
                                                                                being;  and  Airline  –  revenue  generation
                                                                                potential, lower maintenance cost.
                                                                                  “The  target  for  cabin  designers  is
                                                                                to  find  an  optimum  balance  between
                                                                                space  allocated  for  the  passenger  and
                                                                                luggage,  cabin  systems  providing  fresh
                                                                                air,  and  comfortable  atmosphere  and
                                                                                design  whilst  allowing  airline  efficient
                                                                                operations  and  remaining  adaptable  to
                                                                                market  changes,”  she  says.  Easier  said
                                                                                than  done,  especially  with  a  changing
                                                                                travelling  population  –  and  changing
                                                                                traveller shape.
 Are You Sitting   Passengers love value seats. The rise of the LCC proves      to be obese as to be normal size if the
                                                                                  Today’s passenger is almost as likely
         the point. But repeat travel is influenced by more than
                                                                                route is from the US or Australia. A good
 Comfortably?  just price. Get your cabin ambience right: comfortable,          percentage  of  travellers  want  to  work
                                                                                on  their  notebooks  (online,  of  course)
         practical and welcoming - and the passengers will be
                                                                                as  they  fly,  next  to  other  passengers
         queuing up for repeat flights.
                                                                                who only want a good night’s sleep. And
         By Jeremy Torr                                                         most of all, whole families want to take
                                                                                their  luggage  into  the  cabin  to  avoid
                                                                                baggage  collection  delay.  All  these
                                                         Photo Captions
                                                         Et eaquam et           demands conflict with each other, and
                                                         voluptatiur            make cabin design a real balancing act.
                                                         restium aligendi       But  it’s  one  today’s  plane  makers  are
                                                         quae denitatem         getting better at.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 MARCH / APRIL 2012  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  25
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