Page 29 - AAA MARCH-APRIL 2012 Online Magazine
P. 29


         thanks  to  the  passive  noise  reduction   Cherry.  Bombardier’s  designers  have   Balancing passenger
         system  installed  on  the  fuselage  and   changed  their  bin  design,  to  make  sure   load requirements
         electronic   synchronisation   of   the   wheeled bags can be easily stowed, wheels   with comfort as
         engines – the ATR-500 has substantially   first, so as not to take away too much space   possible is a fine
         reduced  noise  inside  the  ATR  cabin,   from other passengers, says Cherry.   balancing act - one
         cutting it to a maximum of 79 decibels.   “Even  with  a  full  load  of  roller   that makers are still
                                                                                working on
         And with quieter engines promised from   bags,  there  is  lots  of  space  left  over
         all makers, that sounds good.      in  the  overhead  bins  for  hand  bags,
                                            backpacks,  coats  and  other  items,”  he
         Bags of Luggage                    says.  And  then  there  are  the  simple
         “Passenger  culture,  whether  for  business   running cost demands – what Wilcynski
         or  leisure,  is  trending  towards  carrying   calls  “the  requirement  for  high  density
         more  and  more  luggage  into  the  cabin   configurations.”  Yet  another  aspect  is
         to  avoid  check-in  lines  and  delays  at  the   accommodating  the  needs  of  premium
         baggage  carousel,”  says  Bombardier’s   cabins  with  added  weight,  power  and

        Trends show that travellers value eating more than anything else inflight, and that
        they are getting fatter (darker red means % obesity). Bigger seats and trays then ..
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