Page 7 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
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        Industry News and Updates

                                             Harbin delivers on A350 promise
                                             Harbin Hafei Airbus Composite Manufacturing Centre (HMC), a joint venture
                                             between Airbus and Chinese partners, has started to deliver elevators for the
                                             Airbus A350 XWB. Elevators manufactured at HMC are delivered to Spain-based
          SIA and Tata fly together          Aernnova Aerospace (ANN), which will integrate them into the A350 XWB tailplane
                                             at the Airbus plant in Getafe, Spain. Production in China started in 2012, on the back
          National carrier Singapore Airlines and   of an agreement signed by Airbus and the Chinese government in 2007 that agreed
          Indian conglomerate Tata Sons have   to allocate 5% of the A350 XWB airframe to Chinese manufacturing. “It’s inspiring
          signed an MOU to establish a new LCC   for the Chinese aviation industry to be involved in the development and production
          airline  in  India.  Described  in  a  release   of the A350 XWB,” said Geng Ruguang, EVP of AVIC, the parent company of HMC.
          as designed to “further stimulate   “The development of HMC will also constitute a pulling force for the relevant local
          demand for air travel” the new start   industries, and to become an integrated part of Airbus’ global supply chain.” Airbus
          up will face various hurdles before it   said the delivery of the first set of A350 XWB elevators by HMC is an important
          gets airborne. Although approved by   milestone in it long-term partnership with the Chinese aviation industry, and a
          the Foreign Investment Promotion   pillar for a long term collaboration and mutual success.
          Board (FIPB), there are issues such as
          airport  operations,  fleet  size,  parking   More phones on board
          space, slots and routes to be sorted.
          According to one report in The Hindu,   The recent US FAA announcement
          Aviation Minister, Ajit Singh has agreed   that it is relaxing rules restricting the
          to seek fast clearances for the project.   use of portable electronic devices in
          “I don’t see any problems. The Director   flight (like tablets, smart phones and
          General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) will have   e-readers) has been welcomed by
          to be satisfied. There are issues … but t   Asian operators. Andrew Herdman,
          depends on how fast Tata-SIA gives all the   DG of the Association of Asia
          data and documents,’’ he said. Subject   Pacific Airlines (AAPA), said airline
          to regulatory approvals, the airline will   passengers will certainly welcome
          be based in New Delhi and will operate   more clarity about the use of personal   added  that  passengers  want  a
          under the full-service model. Tata Sons   devices,  but  that  more  standardised   consistent flying experience, but given
          will own 51% and Singapore Airlines will   rules would be welcome instead of   the number of individual regulators
          own 49%. “We have always been a strong   varying requirements across carriers   involved worldwide it would take some
          believer in the growth potential of India’s   and governments. “In an ideal world   time to implement the necessary
          aviation sector and are excited about   such requirements would be more or   changes.  “Asian airlines will certainly
          the opportunity to partner Tata Sons in   less standardised worldwide.   This   be encouraging governments to agree
          contributing to the future expansion of the   was a point recognised by the expert   on harmonised global standards,
          market,” said Singapore Airlines CEO, Mr   group which carried out the evaluation,   preferably on a multilateral basis
          Goh Choon Phong. He added that he saw   which indeed recommended that   working through the International
          the time as being “right to jointly bring   efforts should be made to work with   Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO),” he
          consumers  a  fresh  new  option  for  full-  other international stakeholders to   said. Inflight voice calls and electronic
          service air travel.”               harmonise such rules.” Herdman     messaging will still be prohibited.

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