Page 8 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 8


          Embraer interns from Singapore
          Brazilian manufacturer Embraer has   flight entertainment system and seats. The
          taken two  Asian  students from  the   internships, implemented in collaboration   Oh no you don’t
          Singapore  University  of  Technology  with Brazil’s top engineering school,   A judge ruling on the American Airlines
          and Design (SUTD) for internship at its   Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica   bankruptcy wind-up has twice rejected
          headquarters in Sao Jose dos Campos,   (ITA), internship lasted from May to   a  proposed  US$20  million  golden
          Brazil. “It was inspiring to work alongside   mid-September and started with the   handshake to the failed airline’s
          the experienced Embraer design and   students researching on their project   CEO. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Sean
          engineering team who were open to our   in Singapore. They then went on to work   Lane said the financial sacrifices
          suggestions in solving the challenges   alongside specialists at Embraer’s interior   made  by  union  members  led  him  to
          they were working on,” said Hu Yuan, an   design team. “This opportunity was a real   cancel the massive payout to  Thomas
          internship student in his second  year  at     eye-opener for me to see how we could   Horton, CEO of AMR Corporation – the
          SUTD. The students applied recently   put what we’ve learnt into a realistic and   holding company for the airline. “In
          acquired theoretical skills by designing   implementable design for Embraer’s   considering the facts of this case, there
          elements of an aircraft’s interior including   future  line  of  regional  jets,”  said  Ken   have been significant sacrifices by the
          the baggage compartment, lighting, in-  Chua, a second year student at SUTD.   Debtors’  employees,  most  notably  by
                                                                                its union members, that allowed the
                                                                                [bankruptcy] Plan to move forward,”
          ATFM, CDM gathering speed                                             Lane wrote. The judge rejected claims
          In  an increasingly  crowded sky,  the   has been well-received at various ICAO   by AMR and Horton that he was entitled
          implementation  of   collaborative  meetings. Although some national   to the compensation because he was
          decision-making (CDM) and air traffic   ATFM projects and related initiatives   instrumental in the seemingly positive
          flow management (ATFM) is essential   are being looked at by the Association   outcome  of  the  bankruptcy  process.
          to optimise airspace capacity, enhance   of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN) and   Horton was appointed CEO of AMR on
          air safety and help balance capacity   the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation   the day the airline filed bankruptcy, but
          and demand says ATM organisation   (APEC) Forum, they as yet are mostly   the judge ruled that the massive payout
          CANSO. To years ago CANSO initiated   uncoordinated at the regional level. The   violates a section of the bankruptcy
          a pilot CDM project for the Bangkok/  recent ICAO Asia Pacific ATFM Steering   code that prevents excessive payouts to
          Singapore city pair to help showcase   Group in Hong Kong was convened   executives that agree to stay during a
          the power of collaboration not only   to address this issue; and to highlight   bankruptcy. The judge also noted that
          among air navigation service providers   the need for a distributed collaborative   pilot, flight attendant and maintenance
          (ANSPs)  across  the  entire  aviation   ATFM framework. The meeting agreed   employees  at  American  Airlines  all
          value chain. The distributed ATFM   that IATA would fund a project to study   had their pensions frozen as part of
          network concept involving the ANSPs   current and planned ATFM initiatives   the bankruptcy negotiation process, to
          of Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong   and to recommend implementation   reduce drain on assets and help make
          is another working example, which   strategies.                       the company more competitive.

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