Page 35 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 35

Mro FeAtUre teCHnoLogY

        RISER quadcopter was used in conjunction   All these images, especially those
        with a T-Series tracking system from Vicon,   showing any potential non-quality such as
        which assisted in referencing the location   scratches, dents and painting defects, are
        of the quadcopter relative to the aircraft in   compiled  in a  3D digital  model, recorded
        3D.  The two-foot wide Remote Intelligent   in a database and then analysed. This data
        Survey Equipment for Radiation (RISER)   helps improve traceability, prevention
        quadcopter drone features electro-optical,   and reduction of damage.  The benefits
        light detection and ranging sensors. For   of this innovative tool and process are
        easyJet, it flew around the aircraft from   significant. Aircraft downtime for inspection
        approximately three feet away (using lasers   is reduced. Data acquisition by drone only
        to determine its distance) to locate damage   takes 10 to 15 minutes, instead of 2 hours   oPPosite  PAge:  Airbus
        caused by lightning strikes. “The use of   using conventional methods. “The use of   demonstrated aircraft  inspec-
        these emerging technologies frees up our   this new technology offers better working   tion by drone at the 2016
                                                                                Farnborough  Airshow. Since
        engineering and digital teams and enables   conditions including improving the safety   data acquisition by drone takes
        them to undertake more skilled tasks,” says   and comfort for the quality inspectors,”   only 10 to 15 minutes, aircraft
        Ian Davies, easyJet’s head of engineering.  says Nathalie Ducombeau, Airbus head of   downtime for inspection is
           Blue Bear Operations Director Gavin   quality. Operators no longer need to go up   reduced, as compared to the
        Goudie says that while the average manual   on a telescopic handler to perform the visual   two hours required when using
                                                                                conventional methods.
        inspection after a lightning strike takes up   inspection, sometimes in poor weather
        to six hours, Riser can do it in 30 minutes. At   conditions. Picture analysis can be done   BottoM:  The  next  step
        the last Farnborough Airshow, Airbus utilized   anytime afterwards and in an office.   forward for MRO providers
                                                                                will be the use of automating
        an UAV to perform a visual inspection of an   SITA OnAir is also testing UAV-enabled   detection of defects from
        A350 XWB.   The drone was equipped with   inspections with Delta Air Lines, Emirates   the video images captured
        a high-definition camera and  took a  series   Airlines and Geneva Airport. SITA is testing   by unmanned vehicles. UAV-
        of pictures of the upper part of the aircraft   two types of unmanned aircraft.  The   enabled inspections are already
                                                                                being tested by SITA OnAir
        while following a predetermined flight path.   tethered Fotokite is used outside hangars   with Delta Air Lines, Emirates
        A human operator piloted the UAV.   while the untethered eXom Quadcopter is   Airlines and Geneva Airport

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