Page 20 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2018 Online Magazine
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WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                                   EDITORIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                                     PUBLISHED BY : GLOBAL BUSINESS PRESS                          MARCH / APRIL 2018

                                                 MAY/ JUNE 2018 ISSUE            BOOKING/MATERIAL DEADLINE
                                                                                       23  MAY, 2018


         The May/June issue of Asian Airlines & Aerospace will feature interviews with senior airline and industry executives.
         The interviews deliver greater insight into the working of airlines and aerospace companies in the region and their
         future plans. If you would like your airline/company to be featured, please send an email to

           Airline Insight – Singapore Airlines                  Airline Innovators

                                                                                                                                CLASS OF
           A newly resurgent Singapore Airlines is back in       This story takes a look at which airlines are
           form with its premium products receiving not just     leaders and trendsetters and why. Innovation is
           a makeover but infusing new energy into the           key to survival in the airline industry, where                 THE FUTURE
           airline which is regaining its status as the world’s   market challenges and technological innovations
           premier carrier. This story explores the changes at   keep the balance between market leader to                      There is a positive demand
           Singapore Airlines as it prepares for the next        market laggard on a knife edge. We take a look                 for premium economy
           decade of air travel.                                 at what the market leaders are doing that makes                from customers
                                                                 a difference and how it impacts their profile and
                                                                 bottom line.
                                                                                                                                THE NEXT


                                                                                                                                Avocet Aviation Services
                                                                                                                                is in expansion mode


                                                                                                                                THE LEAP

                                                                                                                                CFM International LEAP
                                                                                                                                engine MRO preparations
                                                                                                                                are in full swing
           Aircraft Lessors and MRO Expectations                 CFM56 Engine Family
                                                                                                                                 AAR PLANS
           Aircraft lessors have powered strong jetliners        The CFM56 engine has been a standout success
           sales and the MRO activities related to these high    in commercial engine and the world’s bestselling
           value assets is often an area of concern between      jet engine with more than 31,000 engines                       BIG IN INDIA
           the lessor and the operator. The useful               delivered to more than 570 operators worldwide.
           commercial life of a modern jetliner is 20 years      CFM56 engine production is now winding down                    AAR targets India’s fast
           and leases in the first 10 years of the aircraft’s life   as engine production ramps up for the new                  growing market
           deliver the maximum value. This story looks at the    generation LEAP engine. MRO opportunities for
           challenges lessors, aircraft operators and MRO        the CFM56 engine family remain massive due to                  WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
           firms face in maintenance of leased aircraft.         the large base of installed engines however.
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