Page 15 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2018 Online Magazine
P. 15

impacted engines is 43 engines  quality.We see a huge potential  lished to address the shortage
        installed  on  32  aircraft.    There  in India. As we move forward, we  of a skilled work force in India’s
        are also approximately 55 such  will continue to support the coun-     aviation industry, is only the third
        engines delivered to the Airbus  try with our powerful portfolio of  such Pratt & Whitney facility in the
        final assembly line awaiting instal- products and  services  and  the  world. We have already provided
        lation on customer aircraft.        right combination of experience  more than 2000 student days
                                            and advanced technologies.         training and are working closely
        AAA: How has this affected your                                        with a number of universities and
        relations with Airbus?              AAA: Could you list some of        state governments to establish a
        The company will continue to work   the biggest commercial engine      robust aviation skill development
        with Airbus and its mutual airline   orders  executed  by  Pratt  &    platform in the country.
        customers to minimize operational   Whitney in India?
        disruption.                         IIn October 2017, IndiGo signed    AAA: What is the latest from
                                            a 10-year engine maintenance       Pratt & Whitney ?
        AAA: Moving to India; would         contract for its ATR planes with   Pratt & Whitney PW1100G-JM
        you like to highlight any expan-    Pratt & Whitney Canada. IndiGo     Geared Turbofan™ (GTF) and
        sion programmes for the Indian  has chosen ATR72-600 aircraft          V2500 engine technical training
        market?                             flying on regional routes in India,   courses have been certified by the
        We ended 2017 on a high note        which will be powered in PW127M    EASA. India’s Directorate General
        due  to  a  flurry  of  first  deliver- engines. The 10-year contract will   of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has also
        ies and multiple new orders for  be applicable from the date of        certified the GTF training pror-
        Airbus A320neo and Bombardier       each engine’s entry into service   gram, complementing the DGCA
        C Series aircraft powered by the  and  can  be  extended  thereaf-     certification of V2500-A5 training
        Geared Turbofan (GTF) around        ter.  The  maintenance  plan  will   obtained in early 2017. The cer-
        the globe. With continued support   provide  customized  support  to   tified courses will take place at
        from our customers, partners and    meet the airline’s technical and   the Pratt & Whitney Customer
        government we expect to resume      commercial need. SpiceJet also     Training  Center  in  Hyderabad,
        growth in 2018. Our continuous      recently announced purchase of     India and will provide enhanced
        investment in technology and        fifty 90-seat Bombardier Q400      opportunities for aviation skill
        commitment to excellence allow      turboprop, powered by PW150A       development.
        us to seize opportunities that will   engines. We have been very suc-     Pratt & Whitney has had a
        change the future of the Indian     cessful in the single aisle and    strong presence in India for more
        aviation sector.                    turboprop segments and continue    than 70 years, and this program
           The GTF programme is con-        to be bullish.                     brings the latest in aerospace
        tinuing to attract new orders and                                      technology and training closer to
        is ramping up production deliver- AAA: How is your customer            our customers in the region.We’re
        ies, all while supporting a growing  training center in Hyderabad      honored to be able to deliver
        in-service  fleet.  It’s  the  indus-  doing? How do you see its future   world-class training programs
        try-disrupting technologies that    in India?                          that will help create skilled avia-
        set the GTF apart from its compe-   The response has been tre-         tion talent within India.”
        tition and allow its game-changing   mendous  since  its  launch  in      The Hyderabad Training Center
        performance. We have invested       September 2015. Post receiving     has a capacity of 5,000 student
        more than 20 years in the engine,   certification from DGCA in April
                                            2017 the training center is now  days per year. In addition, in sup-
        maturing 48 new technologies                                           port of the government of India’s
        that enable its impressive results.   fully  approved  to  offer  DGCA-
                                            approved training sessions on  national skills development cam-
        To meet the production demands                                         paign, “Skill India,” Pratt & Whitney
        of a historic engine ramp, we have   V2500-A5  engines.  It  is  also   will offer customized training for
        invested more than US$1.3 billion   expected  to  offer  courses  on   students as well as development
        in 21st Century, global production   PW1100G-JM and other models
                                            from the Pratt & Whitney GTF  programs for college and univer-
        facilities to deliver the products   family of engines soon. This Pratt  sity faculty members.
        quicker  and  with  the  highest
                                            & Whitney training center, estab-

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