Page 18 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2018 Online Magazine
P. 18

The quality of the C Series jets  and the United Kingdom. Jobs in both countries – 4,000 of them in
        – the airplanes are more tech-      Northern Ireland itself - were in danger. Not anymore. The ruling could
        nologically advanced and fuel  end up benefiting the U.S. as well. When plans for a new assembly line
        efficient  that  its  competitors  -  in Alabama for the C Series jet were made public when the Airbus-
        has never been in question; what  Bombardier tie-up was announced, many industry watchers had said
        was debatable was whether  that it was just a ploy to avoid the heavy tariff that that Bombardier
        Bombardier had the financial and  had been threatened with. Soon after the ruling, Ender considers the
        marketing muscle to sell enough  U.S. as the single largest market for the C Series, made it clear that
        of them. Under the agreement with  the company would “go ahead full throttle” with the plan. That, in the
        Airbus, the European company will  not too distant future, will translate into new jobs, with Bombardier
        provide procurement, sales and  planning to assemble C Series jets in Alabama to be sold to U.S. car-
        marketing, and customer support  riers, from 2019.
        expertise to the C Series Aircraft
        Limited Partnership (CSALP),  The Silver Lining
        which manufactures and sells  There is no hiding the fact that the ruling is a setback for Boeing, but
        the C Series. With the single aisle  it could well prove to be a blessing in disguise and help it salvage
        market forecast to represent 70  defence deals that are in the pipeline. The dispute had resulted in
        percent of the expected global  the souring of relations that the U.S. had with Canada and the United
        future demand for aircraft,  the  Kingdom. While the UK government warned Boeing that it could lose
        deal gives the two partners a real  UK defence contracts because of the dispute, Canada has announced
        chance of grabbing control of the  that it has shelved plans to buy 18 new F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter
        market. Airbus Chief Executive  jets, at the cost of U$5.23 billion, from Boeing and will instead buy
        Tom Enders did not bother to  used, older model F/A-18s from Australia.
        hide his delight at the ATC ruling.
        “Nothing is sweeter than a sur-     With the dispute settled, at least for now, Boeing would likely be able
        prise, a surprise victory,” he said.  to compete on equal terms with other companies when it comes to
                                            securing deals in Canada and the United Kingdom. Canada intends to
        The Way Forward                     buy 88 new fighter jets and is seeking bids from companies worldwide.
                 he  firming  up  of  the  C  Boeing, which has an existing relationship with the Royal Canadian
                 Series programme and is  Air Force, would, under normal circumstances, have a good chance of
                 future is good news not  securing the contract. However, for that to happen, the company would
        Tjust for Bombardier and  have to decide against pursuing its complaint any further against the
        its new ally but also for Canada    Canadian plane maker.

        18 | March/April 2018                                                        
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