Page 8 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 8

AnalytX and since then has signed contracts
        with  a  number  of  high-profile  customers,
        including Delta Air Lines, China Airlines,
        AirBridgeCargo, Korean Air, Turkish Airlines.,
        Japan Airlines, Qantas, MTU Aero Engines
        and United Airlines.

        Boeing is also focused on using data ana-
        lytics more in defence and has signed a
        deal with Singapore’s Defence Science and
        Technology Agency (DSTA) to jointly develop
        an information management tool that lever-
        ages data analytics to identify trends and
        insights on aircraft performance. The tool will
        be used to analyze flight and maintenance
        data for the Republic of Singapore Air Force   lytics, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning techniques
        (RSAF)’s F-15 and AH-64 aircraft.            to develop data applications that improve design, manufac-
                                                     turing and operational efficiencies. The company, which has
        The company provides many data analytics     started to work along with Microsoft and Tata Consultancy
        tools to its customers, including subsidiary   Services (TCS) as part of its digitalization efforts, unveiled its
        Jeppesen’s crew optimization solutions, Fuel   IntelligentEngine project at the Singapore Airshow earlier this
        Dashboard to save on fuel costs, Engine      year.  Using the concept that uses the capabilities of machine
        Fleet Planning and Costing, Optimized        learning and big data, the company plans to make engines that
        Maintenance Programs that are designed to    are not only more efficient than previous models but also are
        reduce maintenance labor and material costs,   able to communicate with other engines and be aware of the
        Airplane Health Management, Electronic       environment around them.
        Logbook and Maintenance Turn Time. The
        Jeppesen Aviator is a pilot resource suite   GE Aviation offers a variety of digital services to customers,
        that  brings  together  essential  electronic   including Asset Performance Management, AirVault Workflow
        flight bag (EFB) resources into an all-in-one   and MRO Connector, and AirVault Analytics. The company, with
        app for mobile iOS and Windows devices.      its Predix software platform, is also a pioneer in the industry in

                                                     the use of “Digital Twin” technology, which it uses to create pre-
        In December last year, engine manufacturer   cise computer models of its jet engines. The technology, which
        Rolls-Royce launched R2 Data Labs as part    gives a virtual replication of airplane parts and simulates how
        of its efforts to take its digital efforts up a   they will perform over the lifecycle of the airframe, is being used
        few notches. The platform uses data ana-     by Boeing and Airbus as well. Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg

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