Page 9 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 Online Magazine
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is so excited by its potential that he says it is
        going to be the biggest driver of production
        efficiency improvements in the company over
        the next decade.

        Making their Presence Felt
           ndependent MRO providers too have
           been busy introducing digital innovations
           to stave off competition from OEMs and
       Iincrease their market share.  Lufthansa
        Technik’s “Aviatar,” introduced in April 2017,
        is a digital platform that offers a wide vari-
        ety of digital products and services for MRO
        by combining multiple apps, all in one place.
        The platform, which allows external apps to
        be connected to it, serves as a connecting
        hub for apps that offer digital products and
        services for the aviation industry. Each one
        of apps on the platform can also be used  Layover, and ToolNOW, the first online brokerage platform for
        as a standalone product, with clients having  tool loans in the industry.
        the freedom to pick and choose according
        to their needs.                              Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance, which
                                                     has “The MRO Lab,” a center focused on aircraft maintenance
        The only independent and open digital plat-  innovations developed by the company as well as its affiliates,
        form that currently exists in the industry,  also has teamed up with Ramco Systems to create “The MRO
        Aviatar  was  launched  with  seven  apps  -  Lab Singapore.” The company has also used Big Data to come
        “Fleet Management,” “Performance Metrics,”  up with “Prognos,” a predictive analysis program that is used
        “Condition  Analytics”,  “Fault  Analytics,  to replace a fuel system component before it fails. Prognos
        “Predictor Plugins” and the FLYdocs-created  provides two maintenance solutions that predict possible fail-
        app Record Status.” More apps have been  ures and optimize scheduled maintenance work -   Prognos for
        added since to the platform that now has  Engine and Prognos for Aircraft.
        more 500 aircraft using it. Among the newly
        added apps are MROradar, a digital RFP  According to Colin Gregory, AAR Vice President of Sales –
        (Request for Proposal) platform for aircraft  Asia Pacific Region, AAR is investing significantly in data-driven
        base maintenance, AirGlance, which digi-     applications and products and is getting ready to release its
        talizes reporting along a Base Maintenance  repair cycle management application -Airvolution. The com-

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