Page 11 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 11


                                            POWERHOUSE                                               Q&A

                                            Lim Serh Ghee, President of
                                            ST Engineering’s Aerospace sector

                                            maintenance capabilities at our MRO  with engineering and composite man-
                                            facility in San Antonia knowing that  ufacturing capabilities, we have been
                                            there is potential demand for heavy  able to leverage our knowledge and
                                            maintenance  services  for  the  787  expertise in these aspects to develop
                                            platform in the Americas. With the  the  necessary  capabilities  quickly
                                            setting up of the capabilities, we  to meet the demand for composite
                                            also became the first MRO service  repair as it grows.
                                            provider in the Americas to perform   It also helps that we are one of
                                            heavy maintenance on the 787.      the  few  MRO service  providers
                                                                               in  the  world  that  has  a  147  certi-
                                            With the center of gravity of      fied  in-house  training  center,  and
                                            the aviation industry moving       we constantly provide training and
                                            toward Asia, do you see the        skills upgrade opportunities to our
                                            company expanding further          employees to ensure that we have
                                            in the region?                     a pipeline of mechanics, technicians
                                                                               and Licensed Aircraft Engineers who
                                            We have been on a constant lookout   are  well  equipped  to  handle  new
                                            for the right opportunities to enhance   requirements in technical skills and
        ST Engineering, the world’s largest  our  global  network  of facilities to   capabilities.
        independent airframe MRO service  serve  our  customers  better.  With
        provider, is looking for expansion  the Asia Pacific market forecasted  Does the increasing role
        opportunities  in  the  Asia  Pacific  to become the world’s largest avia- of OEMs in the aftermar-
        region and also investing in new  tion market, we are definitely keeping  ket threaten the market
        growth areas including freighter  an eye on the region for expansion  prospects of independent
        conversions. The MRO provider is  opportunities.                       MRO providers like ST
        also actively exploring unmanned      Earlier this year, we entered into an  Engineering?
        freighter concepts and are studying  MOU with Vietnam Airlines to set up a
        the various technologies required to  joint venture with its MRO subsidiary,  While OEMs have been getting more
        support a pilotless aircraft. “We esti-  VAECO, to provide component MRO  involved in the MRO aftermarket,
        mate a single-pilot solution can be  services. Partnering the national car-  OEM’s  core  business  is  still  ulti-
        commercialized in four to five years,”  rier will give us not only access to  mately in the manufacturing of the
        Lim  Serh  Ghee,  President  of  ST  their base-load; we can also leverage  products and ensuring annuity of
        Engineering’s Aerospace sector, tells  their MRO network and facilities in  aftermarket parts sales. They would

        Arun Sivasankaran in an interview.  Vietnam to capture the high-growth  need fulfilment centers, given that
        Edited excerpts from the interview  aviation market of Vietnam and the  their strategies thus far have been to
                                            region.                            minimize the setting up of actual facil-
        How important is North                                                 ities and instead partner with MRO
        America as a market for the         What are some of the               services providers. Similar to air oper-
        company?                            challenges that the rapid          ators, they look out for those with a
                                            induction of new genera-           good geographical footprint, as well
        The North American market is an  tion aircraft by carriers are         as one that can consistently provide
        important market for us as most of  posing to the MRO industry?   quality,  high  safety  standards  and
        the major US airlines are our cus-                                     fast turnaround time. This is where
        tomers.    With  intra-regional  and  Increasing level of software focus  we have built extensive relationships
        international travel continuing to  and complexity of the new material  with the OEMs over the years, and
        grow, we are positive about the North  used on new-generation aircraft  some of our key partnerships include
        American market and the opportuni-  mean that investments in new equip-  the Airbus Corporate Jet service
        ties available there. Before the new  ment and training are necessary to  centre network with Airbus and long-
        MRO facility in Pensacola, Florida,  provide effective maintenance sup-  term license agreements with UTC to
        we had in mid-2017 set up 787 heavy  port. As a MRO solutions provider  provide component MRO support for

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                         September/October 2018 | 11
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