Page 12 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 12

the Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft.   we have been working closely with  independent airframe MRO service
        At the same time, we believe our suite  interested airline customers and  provider), we are also investing in
        of nose-to-tail aircraft MRO solutions,  conducting trials to create a virtual  adjacent  businesses/new  growth
        coupled with our strong engineering  warehouse for cabin parts. This will  areas that can add value to our MRO
        capabilities and broad customer base  help us and our clients move closer  work and give us a competitive edge
        would put us in a strong position to  toward Supply Chain 4.0 whereby a  though the ownership of intellectual
        partake in the growing global MRO  virtual warehouse can be developed  properties.
        spend. We continuously strengthen  with 3D-printed  just-in-time  cabin   For instance, we formed ST
        this competitive edge by focusing on  parts designed and certified by us.  Aerospace  Aircraft  Seats,  a  joint
        delivering with the high safety and  To date, we have been granted EASA  venture  with  Tenyru  Holdings  Co.
        quality standards that our custom-  certification for certain aircraft inte-  Ltd and expanded our cabin interior
        ers have come to expect of us. This  rior parts, and are working towards  products  offering  with  proprietary
        track record is part of the reason why  similar certification with other author-  aircraft seats designs. We are cur-
        we many of our customers are return  ities to expand our parts inventory  rently refreshing the cabin interior
        customers who enter into multi-year  list based on customer requirements.  and installing the seats for a launch
        contracts with us.                  We have also been introducing  customer, which is a regional airline.
                                            more robotics into our operations  By offering both cabin interior prod-
        How successful has the              as well to lower costs and increase  ucts  and  modification  services,
        company been in incor-              productivity. For instance, we have  customers can engage us earlier
        porating technological              implemented a robotic arm to replace  in their cabin reconfiguration plans
        innovations? Can you elab-          the task of manually polishing airfoil  and  benefit  from  more  integrated
        orate on the Smart MRO              surface. This has led to a reduction  and turnkey solutions; from design
        concept and your efforts in         of manpower time taken to polish one  and certification, to implementation
        going digital?                      set of airfoil from 2,800 minutes to  and maintenance – all under one
                                            just 1,000 minutes, which is a saving  roof. This strategic move upstream
        We have been investing in Smart     of over 60%.                       will also allow us to benefit directly as
        MRO initiatives on three broad fronts                                  an OEM as the commercial aviation
        – digitization & data analytics, addi-  Do passenger-to-freighter      industry continues to grow strongly
        tive manufacturing and automation.   aircraft conversions con-         and as the airlines refresh their fleet
        Going digital brings along with it a   stitute a sizable part of       cabin interior more frequently.
        host of benefits. Other than improv-  your business? Do you see
        ing workflow and efficiency at the   revenue from conversions          What are some of the other
        operational level, it will allow us to   growing substantially in the   growth areas that you have
        better  support  airlines/operators   next 10 years?                   identified?
        when they have newer-generation
        fly-by-wire aircraft or large-scale fleet   With air cargo forecasted to grow  Freighter conversion is definitely one
        replacements. Secondly, given that   at  4  percent  CAGR  over  the  next  growth area that we are focusing on.
        we support many different custom-   twenty years, freighter conversion is  We are also leveraging our engineer-
        ers whose aircraft types overlap, we   one growth area that we are focus-  ing capabilities and expertise in UAVs
        can use the data collected from all   ing  on.  We  have  more  than  400  to develop systems that help shape
        the aircraft we service, analyze them   conversions under our belt, which  autonomous networks and future
        and provide predictive maintenance   makes us one of the world’s largest  freighters.  For  example,  we  have
        solutions. We have a dedicated data   passenger-to-freighter aircraft con-  developed an end-to-end operating
        analytics team working on this.     version houses. We have invested in  Unmanned Aerial Systems called
           On the digitization front,       new passenger-to-freighter (PTF)  DroNet  which utilises an integrated
        AeroBook3 is our solution to digitizing   conversions programs such as the  network of autonomous drones to
        our processes. It is a mechanic-cen-  A330  and  AS320/A321,  and  we  complete a range of tasks in an urban
        tric platform that offers a full suite of   expect we expect revenue of more  environment. This versatile solution is
        applications to assist in MRO work   than S$400m per year to come from  able to provide solutions for various
        via mobile devices. We are currently   the PTF business by 2022.       applications such as and not limited
        customizing our AeroBook3 system                                       to security, inspections and delivery.
        to address the specific requirements  How important is it for an       The DroNet solution, together with
        of key airline customers, and fully  independent MRO company           other smart city solutions devel-
        digitize our engine MRO facility in  to diversity its services in      oped by the other sectors within
        Singapore. We expect to deploy this  the current market?               the ST Engineering Group, will help
        system gradually to our global net-                                    to engineer tomorrow’s smart cities
        work of facilities over the next one  While ST Engineering enjoys a strong   by addressing challenges from road
        year.                               leadership position in the industry   congestion to physical and cyberse-
        On the additive manufacturing front,  (we are currently the world’s largest   curity threats.

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