Page 22 - AAA JULY - SEPTEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 22

in accordance with the new digital era we all need to contribute  value. Our image analysis software provides
        towards in order to reap its benefits.” Donecle is also making head-  strong indications on what we think the drone
        way into the military market. The company is collaborating with Air  has found on the aircraft, but in the short term,
        France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance for inspections  a human inspector’s experience is invaluable to
        on the AWACS military aircraft. The company has also partnered  confirm the software output.”
        with Dassault Aviation and Cimpa to develop automated inspection
        solutions for the Rafale fighter aircraft.                     Next Step: Taking Drones
        Donecle co-founder Josselin Bequet is confident that the com-  Outside
        pany has a product that stands out from the competition. Most   In spite of all the obvious benefits they provide
        off-the-shelf drones are either remotely piloted or semi-automated   users, aircraft inspection drones still remain
        using GPS, which is unusable in a closed maintenance hangar, but   confined  to  maintenance  hangars.  Drone
        Donecle’s drone is fully automated and can navigate around an   makers, MROs and carriers believe the indus-
        aircraft without input from a human pilot, he says. The system was   try should push for regulations permitting the
        built from the ground up for aircraft inspections, with a different   use of such drones in airfield as well.
        mindset from companies which are trying to combine off-the-shelf   “There is a clear demand from maintenance
        hardware and software, he adds.                                hangars for new tools to inspect aircraft faster,
                                                                       more efficiently and more reliably,” says Bequet.
        “WE HAVE DEVELOPED A LASER POSITIONING                         “However, decision-making processes are
                                                                       slower in adopting new technology and only
        TECHNOLOGY WHICH ENABLES OUR UAV                               the opinion leaders are willing to take risks and
        TO AUTOMATE ITS FLIGHT AND ACCURATELY                          move away from the established standards.
        REPOSITION ON THE AIRCRAFT ALL THE DATA                        Regulations are also lagging behind in some
        (IMAGES) IT ACQUIRES,” says Bequet.                            regions and do not encourage implementation
                                                                       of groundbreaking technologies.”
        VISION TOOLS AND ALGORITHMS WHICH                              The delay on the part of regulators in approving
        ANALYZE ALL THE IMAGES ACQUIRED BY THE UAV                     the use of inspection drones outside hangars is
                                                                       primarily because they fear that the UAVs could
        TO LOOK FOR DEFECTS, MARKINGS, AND ASSESS                      fly away into a flight path or hit an aircraft. At
        PAINT QUALITY. OUR SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO                       MRO Americas in April this year, Bequet and
        REQUIRE MINIMAL TRAINING AND PROVIDE                           other experts discussed the issue.
        INSPECTORS THE ABILITY TO ACQUIRE AND                          Delta  Air  Lines,  which  has  to  contend  with
        ANALYZE THE HEALTH OF THEIR AIRCRAFT AS                        about 1,800-2,000 lighting strike events every
        QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE TO GET IT BACK IN THE                      year, is not the only carrier that is waiting for
        AIR.”                                                          regulators to approve the use of drones for
                                                                       inspection outside hangars. “At Delta, we abso-
        The  Donecle  co-founder,  however,  doesn’t  expect  inspection  lutely want to fly outside,” David Piotrowski,
        drones to replace human inspectors. “We believe drones or other  senior principal engineer at TechOps, Delta
        automated inspection equipment are decision-aiding tools which  Air Lines’ maintenance arm, said.  “It’s going
        complement human inspectors. We are essentially removing the  to happen. I just don’t know on what timeline.”
        tedious, dangerous and lengthy component of the inspection pro-  “It’s still probably a few years before it gets
        cess to enable human inspectors to focus on areas where they add  accepted by regulators,” admitted Bequet.

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