Page 24 - AAA JULY - SEPTEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 24

maintenance control center. Developed by the  from Europe,” says Parisot. “We also expect three operators on
        company’s MRO Lab innovation program, the  the 787 to use the service in the near future.”
        tool has been successful in predicting failures  Among the engines that Prognos for engines can monitor are
        between 30 to 50 flights in advance.         CFM56s, GE90s, CF6s, PW4000s, GENXs and GP7200s. Fully
                                                     operational, it is now being used by Air France-KLM and more
        The predictive maintenance tool was originally  than 30 other airlines. In spite of the fact that various airlines have
        created as a response to operational issues on  showed an interest in the tool, AFI KLM E&M hasn’t been aggressive
        Air France’s Airbus A380s. “We initially looked  in marketing Prognos for aircraft.
        at the market for a solution but there was none.
        That is when we decided to work on it our-   “It is not easy to scale it up,” says Parisot. “It is a service that we
        selves. When we saw that we were not only  offer; it is not just about downloading a software. It is about having
        able to able to successfully address the issue  people beyond the software analyzing the data and providing very
        but also predict failures before they happened,  clear and accurate recommendations. We now have 15-20 people
        we decided to scale it up into a real program,”  on the team, each of them has excellent technical knowledge of
        says Parisot.                                aircraft and a data-driven vision of maintenance. We would like to
                                                     double or triple the number in the future. Only then will we be able
        The MRO collects data from an aircraft soon  to take more customers.”
        after a flight. “We determine what parameters
        we have to acquire on the aircraft,” says Parisot.  Focusing on Key Systems
        “We help the airline program the aircraft and  AFI KLM E&M does not address the whole aircraft with Prognos
        then get data out of it by using Wi-Fi or 4G. The  but targets specific components and systems. “We focus on the
        data flows out of the aircraft to the cloud server  most important systems that crate a lot of issues from an oper-
        that we use. We put the solution on the cloud  ational perspective,” says Parisot. “The most important systems
        as well. The cloud location is decided based  are landing gear system, the fuel system, flight control system,
        on the needs of the carrier. For instance, the  the supplemental cooling system, and air conditioning.  For each
        location for Air Asia is Singapore.”         system, we are talking about 20 to 30 part numbers to completely
                                                     modernize the system and to correct risk of faults.”
                                                     Being able to identify failures between 30 to 50 flights in advance
                                                     has many advantages, says Parisot. “It gives the airlines time to
                                                     organize and schedule operations. You are not facing any AOG
                                                     situation in an outstation. The turnaround time is shorter too.”

                                                     Use of Digital Tools
                                                     Keeping pace with technology is key for success, believes Parisot.
                                                     “The priority for us is mobility,” he says. “Our technicians do
                                                     everything through the iPad. That gives them access to technical
                                                     documentation and the maintenance information system. They are
                                                     able to access the maintenance history of the aircraft. We also
                                                     use our data analytical skills to optimize operations in the hangar.”
        CUSTOMER ON THE A320 FOR                     The MRO use drones for inspection of the A320 and has tied up
                                                     with Donecle for the purpose. It also makes use of Virtual Reality for
        PROGNOS. “WE HOPE TO HAVE IN                 training and for cabin modifications, as well as Augmented Reality.
        THE COMING MONTHS ANOTHER                    “It is important to organize an ecosystem of partner start-ups,”
        OPERATOR ON THE A320, THIS                   says Parisot.  “We have space in our new facility to invite start-ups,
        TIME FROM EUROPE,” SAYS                      other partners and universities to do co-innovations. Having such
                                                     partnerships is very important.”
        OPERATORS ON THE 787 TO USE                  In an industry littered with buzzwords that sees technology becom-
        THE SERVICE IN THE NEAR FUTURE,”             ing dated almost on a daily basis, how difficult is it to sell a digital
        Rodolphe Parisot, AFI KLM E&M Chief Digital   offering to a customer? “All these are new concepts,” says Parisot.
        Officer.                                     “A lot depends on the airline culture and mindset. If you have people
                                                     in the organization who are completely dedicated to innovation,
        Operators Show Interest                      then it is easier. It is sometimes hard to convince operators because
        Air Asia was the launch customer on the A320   it takes time to have a real, complete solution that substantiates
        for Prognos. “We hope to have in the coming   the value of the digital offering.  We come up with real solutions
        months another operator on the A320, this time   that work, solutions that we experiment with and use in our own
                                                     environment first.”

         24 | July/August/September 2019                                           WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ AAA
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