Page 26 - AAA JULY - SEPTEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 26

Rolls-Royce Virtual Reality Training Tool                      Qatar Airways was also IATA’s global launch
        Rolls-Royce’s new Virtual Reality training tool has its launch partner  partner for RampVR in August 2018. RampVR
        in Qatar Airways, which is the first to trial the ground-breaking new  simulates real air-side conditions for ground
        technology as part of its engineering training plan. “At Rolls-Royce  handling and ground service operator
        we are designing, testing, and maintaining engines in the digital  training using the latest VR technology. Qatar
        realm, so it makes sense that we bring cutting-edge technology to  Airway’s Talent Development department is
        our training programmes. In the same way pilots complete elements  also training their ground operations teams
        of their training in a simulator, certain engineering tasks can be  using RampVR.
        taught through Virtual Reality,” says Rolls-Royce, President – Civil
        Aerospace, Chris Cholerton. “ Qatar Airways was the first customer  Virtual Engine Run-Up
        to take delivery of the Trent XWB, and their forward-thinking vision  Maintenance Training
        across their business makes them the perfect launch partner for  Air  France  Industries  KLM  Engineering  &
        this technology,” he adds.                                     Maintenance (AFI KLM  E&M)  announced  a
                                                                       partnership for virtual engine run-up mainte-
        Qatar Airways A350 fleet are powered by Rolls-Royce Trent XWB  nance training with Airbus at the Paris Airshow
        engines, which must be separated before engineers can transport  in June. The two companies have a technical
        it for maintenance and repair. Rolls-Royce’s Virtual Reality training  and commercial partnership to co-develop and
        tool provide engineers with Trent XWB refresher training in a virtual  manage a virtual engine run-up A320 main-
        environment without the need for a physical engine to work on. The  tenance PC-based training solution. The new
        immersive technology makes use of HTC Vive equipment, using  solution is slated for use at maintenance cen-
        sight, sound and touch to allow the engineers to experience the  tres belonging to AFI KLM E&M and Airbus
        separate two parts of the engine in a virtual setting, without the  before the end of the year before being imple-
        complexity and cost of a real engine.                          mented at partner networks.

                                                                       Technicians and mechanics will be able to
                                                                       visualize an A320 cockpit in an immersive 3D
                                                                       environment and carry out the simulated Run
                                                                       up test operations. Monitoring can take place
                                                                       at three PC stations: one for each trainee (cap-
                                                                       tain & officer) plus one for the instructor (to
                                                                       control the progress of the training performed
                                                                       by the trainees), all equipped with 3D goggles.
                                                                       The virtual engine run-up maintenance will use
                                                                       high definition immersive 3D simulation and be
                                                                       applicable to all A320 engine types. It offers a
                                                                       flexible alternative solution to training sessions
                                                                       performed on simulators, facilitating course
                                                                       scheduling and localisation, be it in training cen-
                                                                       tres, in outstations or at the customer’s base.


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