Page 17 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022 Online Magazine
P. 17



        WITH MOST OF THE COUNTRIES IN ASIA PACIFIC                     increase when compared to the same period
        LIFTING AIR TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS, AIRLINES                      the previous year. Available seats expanded
        IN THE REGION ARE SEEING A SURGE IN INTER-                     by 125 per cent.
        NATIONAL PASSENGER TRAFFIC                                     It got even better in October, a month that
                                                                       saw carriers within the region transporting
        ARUN SIVASANKARAN                                             as many as 12.1 million international pas-
                                                                       sengers, an eight-fold increase compared to
        The sleeping giant has finally woken up.                       the 1.4 million passengers carried in October

        Perhaps the most encouraging development for the aviation      2021. . Demand skyrocketed by 604.7 per
                                                                       cent year-on-year, outpacing the 194.3 per
        industry during 2022 is the lifting of international travel restric-  cent expansion in available seat capacity. The
        tions across most of the Asia Pacific region, including northeast   total number of international passengers car-
        Asia, where travel restrictions remained in place longer than   ried by airlines in the region during the first
        in any other part of the world. In the last quarter of the year,   ten months of the year touched 74 million, a
        Japan, Taiwan, and the Republic of Korea have reopened bor-    472 per cent increase compared to the cor-
        ders, leading to a big spike in air traffic in the region. With China   responding period in 2021.
        relaxing several pandemic-related measures for international
        travellers in November and also doing away with the ‘circuit
        breaker’ mechanism that imposed temporary bans on airlines     Covering Lost Ground
        if a “high” number of infected passengers were discovered on   The spectacular numbers however cannot
        arrival, air traffic numbers in the region are set to soar in 2023,   hide the fact that demand for air travel in
        further hastening the speed of recovery.                       the region, measured in RPKs, is still just over
        The impact of major Asian countries opening their borders is   40 per cent of pre-Covid levels, the lowest
        already being reflected in passenger numbers. According to the   among all regions. In North America, demand
        International Air Transport Association (IATA), international traffic   is almost 90 per cent of 2019 levels while it
        jumped 102.4 percent in October this year, compared to October   is 83 per cent in Latin America, 75 per cent
        2021. International revenue passenger kilometers (RPKs) grew to   in Europe, 70 per cent in the Middle East and
        reach 72.1 per cent of October 2019 levels. Forward bookings for   42 per cent in Africa.
        international travel increased to around 75% of pre-pandemic   According to IATA, Asia-Pacific is not expected
                                                                       to recover to pre-pandemic levels until 2025,
        The main driver of the increase is Asia-Pacific, which, until a few   a full two years later than North America, but
        months ago, had been the major obstacle for the industry’s quick   the Asia-Pacific Airlines Association (AAPA)
        recovery from the pandemic. According to the Asia-Pacific Airlines   has a much more buoyant outlook even
        Association (AAPA), Asia-Pacific airlines carried 62 million inter-  though it cautions that rising inflation, eco-
        national passengers in the first nine months of 2022, a five-fold   nomic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, and

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                        NOVEMBER-DECEMBER | 17
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