Page 21 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2022 Online Magazine
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EMBRAER’S FLIGHT TO realistic and economically feasible pathway to net-zero,” said Luis
A FULLY SUSTAINABLE Carlos Affonso, Sr. VP of Engineering, Technology and Corporate
Strategy, Embraer.
WITH SMALLER COMMUTER However, the other two concepts will be parked for now, and
could be used at a later stage. (See Box for all four concepts
AND REGIONAL AIRCRAFT announced on Nov 8, 2021) “Embraer has not given up on the
Electric and H2 Gas Turbine concepts. Electric battery technology
JAY MENON will, of course, find its way on the Eve eVTOL. The gas turbine
concept with direct hydrogen burn would be more efficient on a
A year on from its Energia sustainability ini- 100-seater. But in the middle, where our Energia concepts are,
tiative, Embraer has centred its studies of the gas turbine is not very efficient and the full-electric concept
sustainable aircraft on a pair of 19 and 30-seat is too heavy. For this space, the hybrid-electric and the hydrogen
regional airliners that will use hybrid-electric fuel cell are ideal,” Affonso said.
and hydrogen fuel cell. While the 19-seat Energia Hydrogen Fuel Cell E19-H2FC and
Since November 2021, the Brazilian air-framer the 30-seat E30-H2FC boast of zero carbon emission and a 70
has been studying new nine-to-50 seat Energia per cent external noise reduction, the 19-seat Energia Hybrid
family of four advanced aircraft concepts in E19-HE and the 30-seat E30-HE variant, which feature parallel
various configurations that will use renewable hybrid-electric propulsion, claim to offer up to 90 per cent CO2
energy, and evaluating them in terms of archi- emissions reduction when using sustainable aviation fuel and by
tectures and propulsion systems. 30 per cent with jet-A1.
After discussions and evaluations with sup- The rear-mounted engines also boast a 60 per cent lower external
pliers and customers during the past year, noise footprint. The aircraft will have range of 200nm to about
Embraer revealed in its “Shape of things to 500nm (926km).
come” presentation on December 5, 2022, The Energia Hybrid (E19-HE and E30-HE) was revealed as a nine
that the company will initially focus on two seater and the Energia H2 Fuel Cell (E19-H2FC and E30-H2FC)
concepts with hybrid-electric and H2-electric was unveiled as a 19 seater in 2021.
“As new propulsion technologies will be first applied on smaller
“Guided by external inputs from airlines, and aircraft, Embraer is in a unique position. The 19 and 30 seaters
joint studies with engine OEMs, these two are sensible starting points for focused studies since they are
approaches to net-zero offer a technically likely to present earlier technical and economical readiness,”