Page 14 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 14
This is definitely a shift. There together with it, such as the parts. This electronic terminal
are different flavours of course, data packages and applica- can quickly switch between all
where we could just provide a tions, front end portal, etc. of the LEO satellites, which
simple messaging capability or pass by very quickly and of
at the other extreme offer full There have been some course to the geostationary
streaming. I think content is advances in technology in the
important and it doesn’t matter satellite space now. We now satellites as well.
how much content the airline have a multi-orbit service that Q Please provide an update on
puts on board for the passen- we’re providing today, in which
ger to watch, they are still very we’re actually bringing together certification of regional jets to
interested and keen to actually our own Geostationary satel- offer Intelsat services?
watch what they’re subscrib- lites, together with our partner,
ing to at home. When we get One Web’s LEO network as We are going through that
these services up and running, well. This coming together of process right now. Our own
they will be impressive and these two networks, allows us CRJ 700 regional jet has been
provide an excellent passenger to offer combined services and in service now for some 12
experience. the ability to offer services in a months. We have been using
truly global fashion including on that aircraft to test and shake
Q Can you provide an island routes. down the system, flying it in dif-
insight into the technological ferent you know, geographical
challenges that have been Now in order to connect to this locations and different environ-
overcome by Intelsat to allow it network of satellites and bring ments. So, the aircraft is now
to offer improved connectivity this network to life, we require going to go through the process
to airlines? a terminal on the aircraft. We for grant of Supplementary
have now brought to the market Type Certification (STC). We
We have the skill-sets to actu- a new Electronically Steered
ally be able to offer really an Antenna, which is now avail- will be rolling out the STC
end-to-end service for onboard able to our customers. We’ve across many different aircraft
connectivity to airlines. We are been testing it for the past 12 types over the next over the
providing all the satellite capac- months on our own test aircraft. coming months. And we’ll be
ity, the equipment onboard This antenna is not only smaller having full entry into service of
(including the actual hardware and lighter in weight and size the product in June this year.
itself) and finally all the ser- but it’s also significantly lower in The CRJ family of aircraft oper-
vices and applications that go profile, since it has no moving ate predominantly in the USA.•
Intelsat CRJ-700 with electronically steered array
(ESA) antenna installed to offer superior inflight