Page 17 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 17

the Bengaluru based carrier has  the nation’s economic                  Alliance Air, India’s largest
        grown at a CAGR of 50% since it     growth”                             regional airline is wholly owned
        made its maiden flight in January                                       by the Government of India
        2019. In January, the airline       Star Air operates an all Embraer    through AI Asset Holding Ltd.,
        was awarded 40 new routes           fleet of five E145 and four E175    and run as an independent
        under the UDAN 5 scheme.            aircraft from its two operational   Strategic Business Unit. The
        In the same month, Star Air         bases in Bengaluru Airport (BLR)    Government has proposed an
        announced that it had entered       and Belagavi Airport (IXG) to 18    infusion of Rs 15.1 billion into
        into a three-year agreement         destinations across India. The      the regional carrier, which will be
        with SpiceXpress, a subsidiary      four E175s configured with less     used to reduce its accumulated
        of the Indian Low Cost Carrier      than 80 seats are on lease from     debt. It presently has a fleet 18
        SpiceJet, to manage the belly       Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC).      ATR72-600s, 2 ATR42-600s and
        space capacity for cargo trans-     The airline’s E175s feature 12      a single Dornier Do-228. Alliance
        portation in the former’s fleet     Business Class seats in a 1-2       Air acquired its two 50 seater
        of nine aircraft. Capt. Simran      seating layout with a 36” seat      ATR 42-600s from aircraft lessor
        Singh Tiwana, Chief Executive       pitch and 64 Economy Class          TrueNoord in February 2022
        Officer, Star Air, said, “Star Air   seats in a 2 - 2 seating layout    to serve challenging airfields in
        is happy to announce this           with a  31” seat pitch. In June     the Himalayas. Both aircraft are
        exciting partnership with           2023, the Star Air entered into     being used to operate from the
                                            a Pool Programme Services
                                                                                short runways at Shimla and
        SpiceXpress. The flexi-             Agreement with Embraer to           Kullu airports, which are both
        bility gained through this          ensure support and maintenance  located at high altitudes, and
        alliance empowers Star              services for its expanding fleet    exposed to high temperatures.
        Air to address the unique           of Embraer E175s and existing
        cargo needs of Tier 2 and 3  E145s. Embraer will provide                Regional Revival
        cities, the Real India, fos-        comprehensive support solutions
        tering economic growth              to Star Air’s aircraft and ensure   India’s RCS-UDAN scheme has
        in previously overlooked            the availability of high-quality,   spurred the growth of regional
        regions. This strategic             genuine spare parts, logistics      air travel in the country, with a
                                            support, and technical assis-
        partnership exemplifies             tance as the carrier’s fleet        total of 519 routes operation-
        the commitment of both              expands, thereby optimizing air-    alised since its launch in October
                                                                                2016. On the basis of five
        airlines to redefine India’s        craft performance and reducing      rounds of biddings, 76  airports,
        cargo landscape and drive           maintenance-related downtime.       including two water aerodromes
                                                                                and nine helipads in different
                                                                                regions of the country, have
                                                                                been developed and operation-
                                                                                alised by RCS flights. As the
                                                                                airlines come to grip with offering
                                                                                cost-effective regional opera-
                                                                                tions, the succesful  regional
                                                                                carriers such as Star Air have
                                                                                grown from strength to strength.
                                                                                However, Indian regional carriers
                                                                                will need to carefully calibrate
                                                                                their operations to stay away
                                                                                from the larger Indian domestic
                                                                                carriers which also offer regional
                                                                                air transport services. In the long
                                                                                term the growth of regional air
                                                                                travel will further enhance India’s
                                                                                attractiveness as a vital commer-
                                                                                cial aviation market.•
        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                          MARCH - APRIL 2024 | 17
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