Page 12 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 12

Jet Zero Z-5

        Whitney PW1100G. The aircraft       pressurizing a noncircular cabin    technology officer Mark Page is
        is equipped with mostly con-        cross-section,                      part of a team that includes Bob
        ventional systems, simplifying                                          Liebeck and Blaine Rawdon who
        development and reducing cost       JetZero says advances               invented the concept.
        and risk.
                                            in composites for                   The Z-5 tanker also fits
        The plan is founded on several      primary structures,                 into the USAF’s push to
        design breakthroughs which          added to the sin-
        differentiate JetZero’s proposed    gle-deck configuration              have stealthy aircraft
        BWB from many previous                                                  to penetrate enemy
        blended wing concepts. One of       of the Z-5, eliminate               airspace.
        these is a pivoting nose gear       the problem of con-
        which increases body angle for      structing pressure
        take-off – thereby solving many
        of the pitch control and rotation   vessels in a flattened              Summing up Barry Eccleston,
        challenges that hampered earlier    fuselage shape.                     former Airbus Americas and
        designs.                                                                International Aero Engines CEO

                                            While the initial design is based   and a member of JetZero’s advi-
        For the take-off, the nose gear     around conventional tanks for       sory board told Aviation Week’s
        extends by several feet to          sustainable aviation fuel, the      Guy Norris last year: “You have
        increase the angle of attack        company says the BWB config-        all these tailwinds from the
        by about 6 deg., allowing the       uration provides ample internal     environment, the Air Force and
        BWB’s body to produce lift to       volume for liquid-hydrogen fuel     NASA, plus you have the tech-
        amplify the effect of the aircraft’s   tanks in the future.             nology tailwind, which makes
        elevons. The design enables         JetZero is aiming for first flight in  it viable when it wasn’t before.
        the Z-5 to reach pitch attitude     2027.                               Then you set that against the
        faster which in turn allows liftoff                                     fact that Boeing and Airbus are
        speed to be lower and reduces       NASA and Boeing flew an 8.5%-       doing nothing new in this space
        the demand for high take-off        scale BWB demonstrator in           and you say, ‘We can’t sit here
        thrust. And another bonus is that   2007, known as the X-48B but        and do nothing.’ The industry
        it eliminates the requirement for   Boeing, incredibly, has walked      deserves it, and the industry
        leading-edge high-lift slats and    away from the concept.              needs it. If you’ve got something
        reduces the size of the trail-                                          you know will be 30-50% better
        ing-edge flaps.                     O’Leary says private investors      than today’s products, why
                                            will also contribute funds to the   would you not do it?”•
        Countering another design           development project.               NOTE: Some elements of this article are taken
        challenge levelled at BWBs                                             from the soon to be available book Greening
        concerning the inefficiencies of    JetZero co-founder and chief       Wings by Guy Norris and Geoffrey Thomas

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