Page 13 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 13


        Growing Need for

        Wi-Fi Connectivity

        Onboard Aircraft:

         Nicolas Silvester, Regional

        Director, Airline Sales APAC, Intelsat

                icolas Silvester, who        in discussing and further           and beverage online,
                is regional director         understanding how they can          in-flight shopping,
       N of Intelsat’s airline               introduce Wi-Fi connectivity
        business in APAC, says in an         on board their aircraft. And I      things like that.
        exclusive interview with Atul        guess there are different fla-
        Chandra that there is grow-          vours of that, whether that be      So, there’s many different
        ing demand among airlines to         Full Service Carriers looking       aspects to it depending on
        offer onboard Wi-Fi services         to provide free Wi-Fi even to       what the airlines are looking
        to their customers. To aid in        their high value passengers or      to provide. But certainly, I’d
        these efforts, Intelsat has a new    Business Class passengers or        say in summary, pretty much
        Electronically Steered Array         perhaps even all of the passen-     all airlines now are seeking to
        (ESA) antenna that allows            gers on board. That’s certainly     understand in flight connectivity
        aircraft to be connected to both     a trend we’re seeing.               better and implement services
        GEO (Geostationary) satellites                                           sooner rather than later.
        and also LEO (Low Earth Orbit)       At the other end of                Q How do you view in-flight
        satellites, allowing for high-       the  scale, Low Cost               connectivity transition-
        speed streaming services to be                                          ing in terms of passenger
        provided on aircraft.                Carriers are looking               preferences?
                                             to drive revenue and

        Q Please provide some                loyalty by connecting               We are seeing a shift in con-
        insights into market trends that     with their passengers               tent onboard the aircraft. We
        you are observing from airlines      through serving food                are now delivering services to
        and passengers?                                                          airlines that actually are fast
                                                                                         enough and reliable
         There is huge demand for                                                           enough to support
         connectivity in gen-                                                               streaming services
         eral and of course,                                                                onboard the aircraft.
         this overflows into                                                              This allows passen-
         passengers wanting                                                           gers to log into and enjoy
         to be connected                                                              their own content as they
         throughout their                                                             would at home rather than
         journey. Certainly,                                                         watching the content that
         post pandemic we’ve                                                        the airlines provide through
         seen a lot of airlines,                                                    their traditional seatback
         either introducing Wi-Fi                                                     In-Flight Entertainment
         services or certainly interested             ESA-diagram                     (IFE).

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                          MARCH - APRIL 2024 | 13
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