Page 7 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 7

Boeing’s issues only time will                                          can reach a deal that addresses
        tell, but time, unfortunately, is not                                   the needs of our employees
        on their side. I would suggest                                          while allowing us to win new
        that some serious lateral thinking                                      business in a very competitive
        kicks in as soon as possible,”                                          global market.”
        Clark said.
                                                                                However the IAM doesn’t see
                                                                                it that way with Holden telling
        Another of Boeing’s big custom-                                         Reuters that members earned
        ers and supporters Ryanair’s                                            four 1% wage increases over the
        Michael O’Leary slammed a                                               last eight years and agreed to a
        French Minister as “stupid” after                                       pension freeze in 2014 in prior
        he said that he would not travel                                        negotiations, a struggle for work-
        on a Boeing jet.                                                        ers dealing with high inflation.

                                                                                “When you look at the impact
        According to the website                      Pat Shanahan              on inflation and the rise in the
        POLITICO French Finance                                                 cost of housing and groceries
        Minister Bruno Le Maire’s attack  One of the keys to                    and everything that working
        on Boeing’s safety record earned    the resurrection of                 people need, we’re seeing a lot
        him a scorching response from                                           of momentum to increase pay,”
        Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary,       Boeing is to fix forever            he said.
        who referred to him as a “stupid  the toxic relationship

        politician” and called his com-     with its largest union              It is hard to see this negotiation
        ments “silly and ill-advised.”                                          going smoothly for Boeing and
                                            The International                   a strike will severely damage its
                                            Association of                      efforts to get a variety of pro-
        To “some stupid politician going:                                       gram back on track.
        ‘My family don’t feel safe on a     Machinists and
        737,’ I say: ‘Well, then try flying   Aerospace Workers
        on an Airbus with a problem         (IAM), which represents over        And who will replace
        with the engine that hasn’t been    30,000 workers in Washington        Calhoun? The answer
        repaired,’” O’Leary said, refer-    building its commercial jets.       appears to be simple.
        ring to the defects in the Pratt
        & Whitney engines that have         According to Reuters the IAM        Pat Shanahan, the no
        grounded hundreds of Airbus         wants “better retirement benefits   nonsense engineer
        planes for inspections.             and wage increases exceeding        who turned the 787

                                            40% over three to four years        program around, is
                                            after what it termed years of       ideal and has the right
        However, O’Leary added in the       stagnant earnings.”
        POLITICO interview that airlines                                        stuff in spades.
        expect perfection in new air-       “We have a lot to make up for,”
        craft they buy. “Every day when     Jon Holden, president of the        Shanahan (61), was appointed
        Airbus and Boeing produce or        IAM’s District 751 told Reuters.    late last year to turn Spirit
        deliver a new aircraft, the quality                                     AeroSystems around but his feet
        of that has to be second to none.  The last contract was in 2008        had hardly touched the ground
        We’re paying $100 million for       and several extensions have         when the Alaska Airlines fiasco
        every one of these aircraft. We     taken it up to two 2024 and the     erupted, although that incident
        need to know that the standards     contract contains cost of living    was not related to troubled Spirit
        of safety and that quality control   adjustments.                       which supplies the fuselages.
        is top notch in both in Toulouse
        and in Seattle,” O’Leary said.      Boeing says it is “confident we     Now with talks underway for

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                            MARCH - APRIL 2024 | 7
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