Page 8 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
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Boeing 737 MAX 9 First Flight
Boeing to re-acquire Spirit, the engineer Clark wants as he of the free world’s fighter jets
which used to be Boeing holds a bachelor’s degree in and large transport aircraft and
Wichita, Shanahan would be mechanical engineering from was the lead integrator of the
ideal to replace Calhoun. the University of Washington, International Space Station can
a master’s degree in mechan- find itself the butt of a tsunami
Shanahan’s career spans both ical engineering from the of jokes and ridicule not just
commercial and military pro- Massachusetts Institute of on social streams but in main-
grams, including 31 years with Technology (MIT), and an MBA stream media over its seeming
The Boeing Company and from the MIT Sloan School of inability to perform the simplest
service as Deputy Secretary of Management. of tasks - tighten up nuts or
Defense and Acting Secretary of ensure that bolts are in place.
Defense. Shanahan ticks a lot The industry needs Boeing to do
of boxes and would be better – much better – or it could
At Boeing his positions included; become a marginal player just
Senior Vice President, Supply welcomed by the FAA as McDonnell Douglas did in the
Chain and Operations, Senior and NTSB. 1980s and 90s.”
Vice President, Commercial
Airplane Programs, Vice With Shanahan at the helm AAA
President and General Manager As AAA stated in our January / believes Boeing has a clear path
of the 787 Dreamliner, Vice February edition: back from the brink.
President and General Manager
of Boeing Missile Defense “It seems inconceivable that the But that path will be tough –
Systems, and Vice President company that gave us the 707 sort out a new union contract,
and General Manager of Boeing and 747, helped put man into implement safety and production
Rotorcraft Systems. orbit and then on the moon, built governance that have teeth and
a raft of satellites and the rockets get the 737 and 777X programs
And Shanahan appears to be that put them in orbit, built most back on track.•