Page 20 - AAA MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 20
Exclusive Interview: Adam Young, VP of Marketing,
Asia Pacific, Embraer Commercial Aviation
“There is No
‘ One Size Fits All ’
Replacement Strategy”
razilian airframer showcasing a variety of commer- This year will also see Embraer
Embraer presently has cial aviation and defence aircraft. celebrate its 55th anniversary
B approximately 200 aircraft since being founded in August
flying across the Asia Pacific From our commercial aviation 1969. The diverse lineup of
region, including China. Adam portfolio, we will showcase aircraft on display at the 2024
Young, VP of Marketing, Asia the E195-E2, the world’s most edition of the Farnborough
Pacific, Embraer Commercial fuel-efficient and quietest sin- Airshow epitomizes Embraer’s
Aviation, says there is no gle-aisle aircraft, sporting an unwavering commitment to
“one size fits all” replace- eye-catching “Tech Eagle” engineering excellence, a com-
ment strategy, especially in livery. In addition, and making mitment that has enabled the
the Asia-Pacific region where its airshow debut, we will be company to design and certify
high growth emerging markets displaying the E190F, a pas- more than twenty different air-
are juxtaposed by established senger to freighter – or “P2F” craft programs in the past twenty
mature economies. In this – conversion based upon our years.
exclusive interview with Atul highly successful first-gen-
Chandra, Young says the result eration E-Jets family. These Q What are some of the trends
for airlines around the region is E-Freighters are designed to that Embraer observes in the
a bifurcated one: either capacity meet the changing demands regional transport sector?
growth is prioritized, or capacity of e-commerce and modern
discipline prevails. trade that require faster deliv-
eries through decentralized Faced with relentless pressure
to optimise operations in a
Edited excerpts from fiercely competitive business,
the interview airlines are increasingly prioritis-
Our defence colleagues will ing fleet replacement initiatives
display the C-390 Millennium, with the aim of realizing the
Q What will be the highlights a multi-mission tactical trans- benefits that modern aircraft can
of Embraer’s display at the port aircraft and the A-29 Super deliver. Lower operating costs,
Farnborough Airshow, and what Tucano, an aircraft which can improved reliability, a better pas-
will be new this year? undertake a broad range of senger experience, and reduced
missions, including light attack, emissions are just some of the
At this year’s Farnborough aerial surveillance and intercep- factors contemplated by an
Airshow, Embraer will be tion, and counterinsurgency. airline in its pursuit of efficiency