Page 21 - AAA MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 21
and sustainability. Yet, there is Q What are the market pros- creation of new routes beyond
no “one-size-fits-all” replacement pects for Embraer in SE Asia/ the traditional hubs more viable.
strategy, especially in the Asia- APAC and countries like India?
Pacific region where high growth Going forward, we see robust
emerging markets are juxta- We presently have approxi- opportunities in Japan and
posed by established mature Australia – two markets where
economies. mately 200 Embraer aircraft
flying across the Asia Pacific Embraer has traditionally had
region, including China, with a strong presence – and mar-
The result for airlines around the operators such as Japan kets in Southeast Asia such as
region is a bifurcated one: either Airlines, Fuji Dream Airlines Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia,
capacity growth is prioritized, (Japan), Qantas (Australia), and Thailand as well. Turning
or capacity discipline prevails. Tianjin Airlines (China), Star Air to India, the E2’s combination of
Embraer’s versatile E-Jets and (India), and Scoot (Singapore). optimised capacity and low seat
E-Jets E2 families can thrive The top three markets operating and trip costs make it a compel-
under both strategies. In fact, the Embraer aircraft in the region ling platform to connect metro
E195-E2, with seating for up to are China, Japan, and Australia. to non-metro and non-metro
146 passengers combined with to non-metro cities across the
a flight endurance exceeding Our E-Jets and E-Jets E2 air- country, which will be the pri-
six hours, is a bona fide small craft are already facilitating mary drivers of growth over the
narrowbody aircraft that has cre- domestic and international coming years.
ated an entirely new paradigm in connectivity across Asia.
aircraft operating economics. It Additionally, the small narrow- In tandem with prospects for
is a complement to larger nar- body segment is ideally suited to growing our operator base,
rowbodies in the region, and an offer an effective complementary Embraer also sees exciting
upgrade to turboprops. Airlines option to the larger narrowbody opportunities to strengthen its
with fleet flexibility will have an aircraft that are prevalent in the customer support presence in
edge to address new opportu- region. We are confident that the region, thus ensuring our
nities and pockets of growth: both the first-generation E-Jets current and future operators
new point-to-point routes, ser- and the next generation E-Jets continued to have access to a
vice to secondary cities and E2 families can act as a cata- world-class and comprehensive
hub-feeding. lyst for growth by making the support infrastructure that they