Page 18 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 18

NO STOPPING!                                                           being a family.”                    [ IDEF  SHOW PREVIEW ]

                                                                               The new conditions brought by the
                                                                               pandemic have completely reshaped
                                                                               the ways of doing business around
         ASELSAN’S GOAL IS TO REDUCE TURKEY’S                                  the  world  that  have  been  accus-
         DEPENDENCE ON IMPORTS BY PRODUCING HIGH-                              tomed to for decades. The fact that
                                                                               this change took place at an unac-
         STANDARD TECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES  customed speed negatively affected
         IN ALL AREAS IT OPERATES                                              companies that were unprepared in
                                                                               terms of infrastructure and human
           Jay Menon                                                           resources.  Aselsan  has  been  a
                                                                               change leading company for many
        Turkish  defence  giant  Aselsan’s  bear for our country, in 2020, when  years and invested in qualified human
        revenue increased last year by 24  the negative effects of the pandemic  resources, which it sees  as its most
        per cent, reaching around six billion  are felt in every field, our motto was  valuable asset. “With approximately
        Turkish  Lira  (US$2  billion),  as  the  "Aselsan does not stop, cannot stop!"  1,500  employees,  who  joined  our
        company  signed  export  contracts  and we did not stop our activities for  Aselsan family in 2020, we further
        worth over US$450 million. The net  a single day. We have implemented  strengthened this ring of values and
        profit of the company reached 4.5 bil-  a  very  effective  decision  mecha-  completed the year with the high-
        lion with an increase of 33 per cent  nism within Aselsan  since the first  est employment rate of all time,” he
        compared to the previous year.      effects  of  the  pandemic  began  to  added.
                                            appear. While observing the needs
        Aselsan’s  acceleration  in  exports  and expectations of our government  Referring to global presence, he said:
        continued in 2020, when the mobility  on the one hand, we also tried to take  “As Aselsan, we continue to rapidly
        between  countries  stopped  com-   all kinds of precautions for the health  expand our global activity with our

        pletely due to the pandemic. In 2020,  of our employees. In 2020, Aselsan  sales and production network span-
        the company signed contracts with  continued its activities in the field  ning over 12 countries in 3 continents.
        six new countries for a total amount  of technology and R&D by making  We are pleased to start gaining from
        of US$446 million  and contributed  R&D expenditures of 3.3 Billion TL.  our global leadership vision that we
        to the export volume of our country.  We  mobilized  all  our  financial  and  initiated 2 years ago. 2020 has been
        With the contribution of new orders  operational resources to ensure that  a very productive year in which the
        received from abroad, export back-  more than four thousand suppliers,  highest export receivable collection
        log  reached  its  historical  peak  by  who provide products and services to  was made, the most export orders
        exceeding the US$1 billion threshold.  Aselsan, are not adversely affected  were  received  and  the  number  of
        Total backlog is US$9.5 billion.    by the pandemic. Our high revenue  export countries was increased to
                                            and profitability figures by the end  70. As part of our strategy to resolve
        Aselsan  Chairman,  President  and  of 2020 are the result of these man-  our processes with our overseas cus-
        CEO Prof. Dr. Haluk GÖRGÜN said,  agement  strategies  that  we  have  tomers  in  the  country  where  they
        "Being aware of the responsibility we  implemented with the awareness of  are located, in a timely and effective

        18 | August 2021                                                           WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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