Page 28 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 28

design bureau and appears to draw heavily
                                                                       on the Su-57. Unlike the F-35 or the Chinese
                                                                       FC-31, the new Russian fighter uses a chin-
                                                                       mounted intake. A single thrust vectored engine
                                                                       powers the new Russian light fighter providing
                                                                       it with super-cruise capability (ability to attain
                                                                       Mach 1 without afterburners) as also reducing   [ AIR  SYSTEMS ]
                                                                       its take-off and landing distances.

                                                                       The aircraft features stealth shaping for radar
                                                                       stealth and also has a multiband passive detec-
                                                                       tion system. An AESA radar allows Checkmate
                                                                       to simultaneously attack 6 targets. The aircraft
                                                                       can also act as command post to manned and
                                                                       unmanned aircraft. The Checkmate also fea-
                                                                       tures an automated logistics support system
                                                                       ‘Matreshka’ with predictive analytics for main-
        Sweeping                                                       tenance support. An Artificial Intelligence (AI)
                                                                       system will perform aircraft diagnostics before
                                                                       take-off, reducing pilot workload. Images of the
                                                                       aircraft show the cockpit featuring a large area
                                                                       display. A round-the-clock electro-optical sight-
        Move                                                           ing system KOEPS-75 is also being developed
                                                                       for Checkmate by Shvabe Holding.

                                                                       Checkmate can attain a speed of Mach 1.8
                                                                       and is 8G capable. Range is claimed to be
                                                                       2,800km without additional fuel tanks. Sukhoi
                                                                       has announced a weapons payload capability
         RUSSIA MARKS ENTRY INTO 5TH GEN SINGLE-                       of 7.4 tonne and claims that the aircraft has
         ENGINE FIGHTER CATEGORY WITH SUKHOI                           the largest internal weapons bays in its class.
                                                                       Gunning for Glory
                                                                       The Checkmate is heavily armed with an inter-
           Atul Chandra                                                esting addition being Rostec announcing that

         The recently concluded MAKS-2021 International Aviation and   gun containers can be carried in the internal
         Space airshow held in Zhukovsky in Russia saw the unveil by United   weapons bay. This will allow for a cheaper
         Aircraft Corporation (part of Rostec) of a new Russian single-en-  alternative for strafing ground targets instead
         gine 5th generation stealth fighter in the Sukhoi Checkmate. The   of using expensive precision munitions. The
         light tactical fighter ‘Checkmate’ joins the Su-57 to become the   5th gen fighter will also have an internal gun.
         2nd Russian 5th generation fighter type. The new light fighter   While conducting air combat missions in stealth
         has certainly caught the attention of the aviation fraternity, joining   configuration, the Checkmate can carry five
         China’s FC-31 and the American Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike   Air-to-Air Missiles (AAM) in its internal weap-
         Fighter in the single-engine 5th generation stealth fighter category.     ons bays.

         "Needless to say, Rosoboronexport's partners became interested  Missile armament will include the 40km range
         in the newest Checkmate light tactical aircraft unveiled by Rostec  RVV-MD  short-range  dogfight  missile  with
         at MAKS-2021. A number of customers were shown its prototype  all-aspect passive infrared homing (using a
         and even given the opportunity to sit in its cockpit. They praised  two-band IR seeker); 110 km range RVV-SD
         its characteristics," said Alexander Mikheev, Director General of  medium-range AAM; air to surface weapons
         Rosoboronexport. The new Russian light fighter is expected to  include  the  KH-35UE,  KH-38MLE  (MTE),
         make its maiden flight in 2023 with series production planned for  KH-58USHKE and 120km range GROM-E1,
         2026. However, at the moment it is not clear if there is a Russian  GROM-E2 glide bomb with 50km range and
         air force requirement for the type or whether an export customer  KH-31PD. Guided bombs include KAB-250LG-E
         is needed to fund further development.                        midway  laser  guided  bomb,  K08BE  and
                                                                       K029BE, while unguided munitions comprise
         Fighter for the New Generation                                of S-8, S-13 rockets and 100,250 and 500kg
         The Sukhoi Checkmate is the latest fighter from the famed Russian  bombs.

        28 | August 2021                                                           WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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