Page 23 - ADT JANUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 23

Future                                       up plans to offer its select products and systems to various export markets.

                                                     in  South  East  Asia,  Europe,  Middle  East,  Africa  and  North  America
                                                     through constant engagement with customers and is also working closely
                                                     with other Indian companies and local partners in the respective coun-
        Focussed                                     tries as part of maximising its geo-strategic reach and increase its global
                                                     Please provide further details on BEL’s
                                                     export customers?
        INDIAN DEFENCE PUBLIC SECTOR                 BEL has been exporting products such as Communication Systems,
                                                     Coastal Surveillance System, Missile Systems, Radars, Electronic Warfare
                                                     The Company has put in efforts for  increasing  its business  opportunities  [ INTERVIEW  BEL ]
        UNDERTAKING (DPSU) BEL IS ON                 Systems, Electro Optic Systems and Electro Optic Fire Control Systems,
        AN EXPORT DRIVE                              Radar Finger Printing System, Naval Systems, Radar Warning Receivers,
                                                     Electronic Voting Machines and various other equipment to USA, UK,
                                                     Russia, Italy, Brazil, Germany, France, Israel, Indonesia, Honduras, Malaysia,
                                                     Maldives, Mauritius, Myanmar, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa and many
                                                     other friendly countries. BEL achieved Export sales of US$ 48.59 Million
                                                     during FY 2019-20. Some of the other products and systems which are
                                                     being promoted for exports include Homeland Security solutions, Smart
                                                     City  solutions,  Border  Protection  systems  and  Coastal  Surveillance
                                                     System. Having established a Coastal Surveillance System (CSS) for a few
                                                     neighbouring countries, BEL is interacting with Ministry of External Affairs
                                                     for supply of CSS to other friendly countries. Recently, the Government
                                                     approved the export of the indigenously developed Akash Missile System
                                                     to friendly foreign countries.
        Indian state-owned defence electronics firm, Bharat
        Electronics Limited (BEL) is striving towards cap-  How does BEL plan to benefit from the
        turing a major share of an export target of Rs35   Government’s Atmanirbhar initiative?
        billion, set over the next five years by the Indian   Defence has been identified as a core sector to boost the Make in India
        Government. One of BEL’s flagship products, the   vision of achieving $5 billion worth of exports. Major initiatives by BEL
        Akash Surface to Air Missile (SAM) system has   towards Make in India/Atmanirbhar Bharat include strong thrust on R&D,
        now been cleared for export, following numer-  Collaborative R&D, Defence Innovation Organisation incorporated by BEL
        ous requests for the same. Coastal Surveillance   and HAL to create an ecosystem to foster innovation, and technology
        Systems, Homeland Security solutions, Smart City   development in Defence by engaging R&D institutes, academia, industries,
        solutions and Border Protection systems are also   start-ups and individual innovators. To promote the Make in India initiative,
        part of the company’s export focus. “Having estab-  BEL has established Make in India Display Cells, appointed Nodal Officers
        lished a Coastal Surveillance System (CSS) for a   for Outsourcing & Vendor Development in all its Units and updated its
        few neighbouring countries, BEL is interacting with   policies and procedures. BEL has implemented the Make-II Policy of GoI
        Ministry of External Affairs for supply of CSS to   and issued several EoIs to Indian vendors. The Company has been put-
        other friendly countries,” says Anandi Ramalingam,   ting in efforts to create a strong vendor base in India and has currently
        Director (Marketing), BEL. The company’s strong   more than 21,000 vendors including domestic vendors and MSMEs. BEL
        domestic orderbook, which stands at Rs52 billion   is extending its Test facilities for use to private industries. BEL is pursing
        will also aid BEL in its efforts to increase exports.   development/ production opportunities with DRDO under DcPP model for
                                                     various indigenous development/production programmes. The Company
        Edited excerpts from the interview:          has entered into partnerships / strategic alliances with foreign OEMs as
                                                     well as major Indian industries to address large and strategic programme
        How does BEL plan to increase its            requirements, leveraging its complimentary capabilities and assuming the
        exports and global presence?                 role of a Lead integrator / Tier-1 partner for indigenous manufacturing. BEL
        BEL is fast expanding its global presence, putting   is constantly exploring possibilities of forging JV Partnerships.
        its best foot forward to give a thrust to exports
        worldwide. All-out efforts are being made to tap   What are BEL’s key growth drivers for the future?
        new markets across the globe. In a bid to develop   Existing business segments such as Radar & Missile Systems,
        new markets in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), BEL   Communication & Network Centric Systems, Anti-Submarine Warfare &
        has operationalised overseas marketing offices in   Sonar Systems, Tank Electronics, Gun Upgrades, Electro-Optics, Electro-
        Oman, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. BEL has   Explosive and Electronic Warfare & Avionics systems will continue to drive
        also expanded its Singapore and New York Regional   BEL’s growth in the coming years. BEL has been putting in continual efforts
        Offices to handle marketing activities. BEL is also   to diversify into several new areas in both Defence and non-defence to
        thinking of establishing similar offices in Nigeria,   sustain growth. Some of the areas BEL is focussing on in Defence are
        Brazil, Armenia and Kazakhstan.              Next Generation Weapon Programmes, Electro-Optics, Airborne Radars,
           The Government is encouraging defence exports   Arms & Ammunitions and Explosives, Unmanned Systems, Night Vision
        through many policy initiatives and has set a target of   Devices, Inertial Navigation Systems solutions for various platforms, Helmet
        Rs.35 billion by 2024-25. BEL has identified Exports   Mounted Display Systems, Counter Measures Systems for Airborne
        and Offsets as one of its thrust areas and has drawn   Platforms, Composites, etc.
        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                   January 2021 | 23
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