Page 28 - ADT JANUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 28

DRDO/DPSUs/OFB remain large sources of employment and retain                                               [ REPORT ]
        significant amounts of design, development and manufacturing
        infrastructure and hence, the DAP 2020 features a separate ded-
        icated chapter for acquisition of systems designed and developed  Indigenous Developments
        by them. New simplified procedures with Integrated Single Stage  Drone Swarming capability was demonstrated
        Trials will reduce developmental timelines with greater empha-  publicly for the first time by the army in January,
        sis on evaluation through certification and simulation. The use of  when it carried out a live demonstration of the
        indigenous military material will also be promoted, as will use of  indigenously designed and developed drones
        indigenous software encouraged for operating base applications  on Army Day (January 15). The Indian Army is
        like Fire  Control  Systems,  Radars,  Encryption, Communications  now investing heavily on Artificial Intelligence
        etc on indigenous software in Buy (Indian- IDDM) & Buy (Indian)  (AI), Autonomous Weapon Systems, Quantum
        cases.                                                         Technologies, Robotics, Cloud Computing and
                                                                       Algorithm Warfare to meet modern warfighting
        To further support growth of the defence sector, DRDO is now offer-  philosophies. An array of AI enabled simulated
        ing Indian industry the opportunity to partner with it as Development  offensive missions and close support tasks
        cum Production Partners (DcPP) and is offering its technology at  were demonstrated by 75 drones. The army’s
        nominal cost with free access to its patents. In the last five years  AI Offensive Drone Operations project is being
        (2014-19), DRDO has  delivered Sonars, Radars, Software Defined  incubated with an Indian Start Up.
        Radios (SDR), Missile Systems, Gun Systems, Munitions, Bridging
        Equipment, etc, which feature significant indigenous content. A  Small arms development has been one area,
        small sampling of the defence equipment designed and developed  where success has not come easily, however,
        by the DRDO, approved for procurement by the Defence Acquisition  there are now promising signs for a new DRDO
        Council (DAC) includes the Astra Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air  developed  5.56x30 mm Protective Carbine.
        Missile (BVRAAM),  Smart Anti Field Weapon (SAAW), Long Range  The new weapon successfully  completed
        Land Attack Cruise Missile (LR-LACM), etc. Another opportunity  Final User Trials in December 2020, meeting
        for Indian industry is the Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) target to  the Indian Army’s demanding General Staff
        indigenize 5,000 spares currently being imported. For FY 2020-21,  Qualitative Requirements (GSQR). An army
        1502 items are targeted to be indigenized, out of which 849 items  contract is soon expected. The weapon has
        have been indigenized as on date.                              also passed trials with the Ministry of Home
                                                                       Affairs (MHA) trials and procurement action has
                                                                       already been initiated by Central Armed Police
                                                                       Forces (CAPF) and various State police forces.
                                                                       The 5.56 x 30 mm protective carbine was first
                                                                       unveiled at DefExpo 2020. The Gas Operated
                                                                       Semi Bull-pup automatic weapon weighs three
                                                                       kg and has a rate of fire of 700 rpm, an effective
                                                                       range of more than 100 m. With its ergonomic
                                                                       design low recoil, retractable buttstock, single
                                                                       hand firing capability, and multiple Picatinny
                                                                       rails, the weapon is well suited for a Counter
                                                                       Insurgency /Counter Terrorism operations.
                                                                       The new carbine will be manufactured at Small
                                                                       Arms Factory, Kanpur while its  ammunition
                                                                       will be produced at Ammunition Factory, Kirkee

                                                                       The first consignment of indigenously devel-
                                                                       oped 40 mm UBGL ammunition was delivered

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