Page 27 - ADT JANUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 27

cate greater budgets to meet urgent defence
                                                                       modernisation needs. In-country sourcing is
                                                                       now being looked at wherever possible to meet
                                                                       defence needs and provides much needed
                                                                       support to Indian defence industry, which has   [ REPORT ]
                                                                       been badly impacted because of the COVID-
                                                                       19 pandemic.  The immediate impact of Indian
                                                                       measures to increase in-country sourcing of
                                                                       defence equipment has been felt by foreign
                                                                       Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), who
                                                                       are seeing a marked reduction in the Indian
                                                                       willingness to import defence equipment from

                                                                       With the focus on in-country production,
                                                                       contract signature with Airbus for license pro-
                                                                       duction of the C-295W military transport India
                                                                       is keenly awaited and expected this year. The
                                                                       Ministry of Defence (MoD) recently announced
                                                                       that the deal was at the CFA approval stage and
                                                                       a contract was likely to be signed in the near
                                                                       future. Airbus has partnered with Tata Group
                                                                       as its Indian Production Agency (IPA) and the
                                                                       56 aircraft contract will result in the first 16 air-
                                                                       craft delivered as ‘Fly Aways’ by Airbus and the
                                                                       remaining 40 to be built under license in India.

                                                                       Supporting Industry
                                                                       The latest iteration of India’s military procure-
                                                                       ment policy, the Defence Acquisition Procedure
                                                                       (DAP) – 2020 places a renewed impetus on
                                                                       enhancing the nation’s defence manufactur-
                                                                       ing base. DAP 2020 which was unveiled in
                                                                       September 2020, aims to unleash the poten-
                                                                       tial of the Indian defence industrial ecosystem,
        Fortress                                                       which has long been shackled with restrictive
                                                                       regulations and support for state-owned firms
                                                                       at the expense of the private sector. To encour-
                                                                       age infusion of funds into the defence industry,
                                                                       the  Foreign Direct  Investment (FDI) limit in
        India                                                          defence manufacturing under the automatic
                                                                       route has now been raised from 49 percent to
                                                                       74 percent. Offset provisions now only apply
                                                                       on Capital Acquisitions worth Rs20 billion or
                                                                       above. The quantum of offset has been set at
                                                                       30 percent of the estimated acquisition cost.
                                                                       Offset obligations are to be discharged via an
         INDIA LOOKS TO INCREASE IN-COUNTRY                            Indian Offset Partner (IOP), which could com-
         PRODUCTION AS CONFIDENCE GROWS IN THE                         prise of companies from the private sector,
                                                                       Defence Public Sector Units (DPSU), Defence
         COUNTRY'S DEFENCE INDUSTRY                                    Research & Production Organisation (DRDO)
                                                                       and Ordnance Factory Board (OFB). Foreign
                                                                       vendors, however, would be free to select their
           Atul Chandra                                                IOP.

                                                                       As per Government estimates more than 1800
         The Indian Government is proceeding with its plans of ‘Atmanirbhar  Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME)
         Bharat’ (Self Reliant India) to hasten the growth of the country’s  make up the industry base for the DRDO, in
         domestic aerospace and defence industry even as it looks to allo-  addition to support DPSUs and the OFB. The

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