Page 3 - ADT JUNE - JULY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 3


                           SHOW PREVIEW  /  REPORT  /  MISSILE SYSTEMS  /  COLUMN


                                                    05          21
                                DEEPENING TIES                  UP FOR GRABS
                           Greece is ramping up military        Global firms eye Indian trainer
                    cooperation with NATO allies, Israel,       aircraft deal
                        Saudi Arabia, the UAE and India

                                                    09          CHANGING EQUATIONS

                                PREPARING FOR                   The major defence deal signed
                                      TOMORROW                  between Israel and Greece and

                           In a quest to be future-ready,       the budding ties between Athens
                      militaries invest in game-changing        and countries in the Middle East
                          technologies, both for offence         promise to change the military
                                           and defence          balance in the region

                                                     12         28
                                             RAFALE             BANKING ON QUALITY
                                   RENAISSANCE                  Despite the Brazilian air force

                          Dassault’s Omnirole Fighter is        reducing its order for the KC-390
                       raking in orders while a future F4       Millennium, Embraer remains
                           variant is nearing completion        confident about the export
                                                                potential of the airlifter

                                       CAPABILITY               30
                                           REFRESH              ON TARGET

                           The Indian Army is looking to        The new MICA NG Air-to-Air Missile
                           acquire a range of armoured          is a significant advance over its
                                      fighting platforms         successful predecessor

                                                     17         33
                                       DEFEA 2021               ARMING DEEP DOWN
                                       SHOW PREVIEW             If all goes well, India will soon
                                                                kick-start its much desired
                                                                submarine construction programme

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                  June/July 2021 | 3
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