Page 6 - ADT JUNE - JULY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 6

MBDA to Arm the Rafale
                                                                       The Rafales will be armed with MBDA-made
                                                                       SCALP cruise missiles, AM39 Exocet anti-ship
                                                                       missiles, and MICA multi-mission air-to-air mis-
                                                                       siles. “The new aircraft’s weapons will benefit
                                                                       from the strong commonality with those from   [ COVER  STORY ]
                                                                       the Mirage 2000s and Mirage 2000-5s cur-
                                                                       rently in service in the Hellenic Air Force. Like
                                                                       these, the Rafales will be armed with SCALP
                                                                       cruise missiles, AM39 Exocet anti-ship mis-
                                                                       siles and MICA multi-mission air-to-air missiles.
                                                                       Additionally,  MBDA  will  also supply Meteor
                                                                       beyond visual range air-to-air missiles.

                                                                       Eric Béranger, CEO of MBDA, says: “Greece
                                                                       was the very first customer of the Exocet mis-
                                                                       sile in 1968, showing great confidence in it and
        The logistic support contract will support the Hellenic Air Force   in our predecessor companies. This confidence
        Rafale’s air activity over four and a half years, maintaining the avail-  has been renewed over the years and is being
        ability of equipment and systems at the highest level.         renewed again. It is our duty to do everything
                                                                       we can in order to continue delivering on this
        “THE ARRIVAL OF THE RAFALE IN GREECE                           confidence into tomorrow.”
        RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GREECE AND FRANCE                         Greece is also currently in the process of
        AND THE CONTINUATION OF MORE THAN 45                           upgrading 85 of its Lockheed Martin F-16s to
                                                                       Viper level, turning them into fourth-genera-
        YEARS OF SOLID PARTNERSHIP WITH DASSAULT                       tion fighter aircraft. Local media reports also
        AVIATION AND ITS INDUSTRIAL PARTNERS THALES                    indicate that Greek authorities could now be
        AND SAFRAN,” Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of                considering expanding the 332nd "Falcon"
        Dassault Aviation                                              Squadron to 24 aircraft. "A squadron has at
                                                                       least 18 fighter jets. A good number for a war
        The procurement of Rafale jets will be accompanied by the  squadron is 24,” a military source told pro-
        upgrade of ten of the Air Force’ Mirage 2000 jet fighters to the The squadron is to be located in
        more advanced 2000-5 standard. This will give the Hellenic Air  Tanagra, the home base of the 114th Combat
        Force a total of 35 Mirage 2000-5s, to go with the previous 10  Wing of the Hellenic Air Force. The wing is used
        units upgraded in 2004 and the 15 Mirage 2000-5 standard units  to French-made aircraft: after flying the Mirage
        ordered in 2000.                                               F1CG fighter from 1975 to 2003, it is currently
                                                                       equipped with the Mirage 2000-5.
        It is Greece’s first significant defence equipment purchase since
        2005, when it bought more than 300 Leopard tanks from Germany,  Greece’s overall defence spending halved from
        and its first investment in a new combat aircraft since buying French  7.88 billion euros in 2009 to 3.75 billion euros in
        Mirage 2000s in 1989.                                          2018, as an eight-year recession led to budget
                                                                       cuts. Greece is sharply increasing its defence
                                                                       spending by 43 per cent this year, to 5.5 billion
                                                                       euros (US$6.7 billion).

                                                                       More Frigates
                                                                       The focus in the last few months has turned to
                                                                       frigates, as Greece has signalled it intends to
                                                                       procure state-of-the-art vessels to improve its
                                                                       naval capabilities in the Aegean and Eastern
                                                                       Mediterranean in the face of the Turkish threat.
                                                                       Prime Minister Mitsotakis said Greece will buy
                                                                       four new frigates and upgrade four existing

                                                                       On June 5, the prime minister chaired a meeting
                                                                       on the procedures for evaluating proposals for
                                                                       the acquisition of new frigates. According to the

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