Page 20 - ADT JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 20

RSAF is arguably the most advanced  for  Defence  Investment  (ECDI)  to
                                            in Southeast Asia in UAV doctrine  supply the Estonian Defence Forces

                                            and manned platform integration.  with the Blue Spear (5G SSM) mis-
                                            Recently, Singapore’s Engineering’s  sile systems. More joint ventures are
                                            land  systems  arm  and  Israel  expected to be announced during
                                            Aerospace Industries (IAI) formed a  the show. ST Engineering had ear-
                                            joint venture to develop market and  lier announced that it will partner with
                                            sell advanced naval missile systems,  Israel’s  Rafael  Advanced  Defense
                                            including a next generation anti-ship  Systems to set up Smart Systems,
                                            missile system.                    which  is presently the prime con-
                                                                               tractor for the local manufacture,
                                            The joint venture, Proteus Advanced  supply, and maintenance of the Spike
                                            Systems, has already secured a  anti-armour missile for the Singapore   [ SINGAPORE AIRSHOW  SHOW PREVIEW ]
                                            contract with the Estonian Centre  Armed Forces.



        Lockheed  Martin  has  announced
        that the LMXT strategic tanker air-
        craft will be manufactured in Mobile,
        Alabama,  and  Marietta,  Georgia.
        Introduced in September 2021, the
        LMXT is Lockheed Martin’s offering
        for the U.S. Air Force’s KC-Y “Bridge
        Tanker” Program competition.

        “Establishing this production work
        in  Alabama  and  Georgia  confirms
        Lockheed Martin’s commitment that
        the LMXT will be built in America,
        by  Americans,  for  Americans,”
        said  Lockheed  Martin  Chairman,
        President, and CEO James Taiclet.   Built on the combat-proven design  With Lockheed Martin as the prime
                                            of the Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker  contractor,  the  LMXT  will  be  built
        “THE LMXT WILL STRENGTHEN           Transport (MRTT), the LMXT lever-  in two phases. During Phase 1, the
                                            ages known performance and  LMXT is first produced as an A330
        GLOBAL SECURITY BY                  capability insights from the strategic  airliner at Airbus’ Mobile, Alabama,
        ENABLING OUR U.S.                   tanker of choice used by 14 nations  facility. The second phase of the
        SERVICE MEMBERS TO                  around the world to currently refuel  manufacturing process includes con-
        CARRY OUT THEIR MOST                fighter, transport and maritime patrol  verting the commercial aircraft into
        CRITICAL MISSIONS AT                aircraft for the U.S. and allied part-  the LMXT tanker at Lockheed Martin
        EXTENDED RANGES. AT                 ners.                              Aeronautics’ Marietta, Georgia, facil-
        HOME, THE LMXT WILL                                                    ity, which is currently home to the
        STRENGTHEN JOB GROWTH               “Over our 50-year history in the U.S.,  C-130J Super Hercules final produc-
        AND MANUFACTURING                   some of our proudest moments have  tion and F-35 Lightning II center wing
        BY DRAWING ON THE                   come from supporting our American  assembly lines.
        EXPERIENCE AND TALENTS              service  members,”  said  C.  Jeffrey  Lockheed Martin and Airbus entered
        OF A HIGH-TECH AMERICAN             Knittel, chairman and CEO of Airbus  into a Memorandum of Agreement
                                            Americas. “Our U.S. workforce, which  (MOA) in 2018 to explore aerial-re-
        WORKFORCE IN TWO STATES             is more than 35 percent military vet-  fueling solutions to address any
        THAT ARE PROVEN LEADERS             erans, is eager to see an Air Force  refueling capacity shortfalls for the
        IN AVIATION.” Lockheed Martin       tanker join the fleet of Airbus aircraft  U.S. Air Force, with the MRTT at the
        Chairman, President, and CEO        flying  for  the  U.S.  Army,  National  center of its discussions. The LMXT
        James Taiclet                       Guard, Navy and Coast Guard.”      is a result of this MOA.

        20 | January/February 2022                                                 WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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