Page 23 - ADT JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 23

PROLIFERATION                       it and forcing the missile off-course
                                            away from the aircraft.
        OF MANPADS
        THREAT IN                           Once the preserve of U.S. Armed
                                            Forces and close allies, DIRCM sys-
        INDO PACIFIC                        tems are now available to customers
                                            in the region, with Leonardo’s Miysis
        GENERATING                          DIRCM being part of the U.K. MoD’s
        DIRCM DEMAND                        Next Generation Air  Survivability
                                            (NGAS) approach to aircraft self-pro-
                                            tection.  Leonardo  is  currently
        International    defence    tech-   exhibiting the system at Singapore
        nology  provider  Leonardo  is  Airshow, stand B-H39. Having already                                       [ SINGAPORE AIRSHOW  SHOW PREVIEW ]
        responding to the proliferation of inex-  delivered Miysis DIRCM to the U.K.
        pensive-yet-deadly man-portable air  MoD and a number of other NATO
        defence systems (MANPADS) across  and  non-NATO  nations,  Leonardo
        the Indo Pacific, which is generating  is expecting to hold discussions in
        strong regional demand for counter-  Singapore with a range of interested
        measures known as DIRCM (Directed  regional governments and armed      missiles. Meanwhile, the system’s
        Infra-Red Counter Measures).  Both  forces looking to modify and equip   integrated multiple-head installation
        state and non-state actors (such as  their aircraft with protection against   ensures complete spherical protec-
        pirates and terrorists) are operat-  infrared-guided missiles. Designed   tion around the aircraft, even during
        ing MANPADS in a variety of flash  and  produced  in  the  U.K.,  Miysis   manoeuvres. This contrasts with the
        points in regional area disputes, this  DIRCM is readily exportable.   more basic single-head systems on
        highlights an alarming threat to trans-                                the market, which suffer from blind
        port aircraft, helicopters and other  Unique to Leonardo, decades of expe-  spots when the aircraft is not flying
        platform types, crew and cargo.  rience in laser and precision targeting  straight and level. Extensive analysis
        Miysis DIRCM offers life-saving pro-  enables the Miysis threat defeat  and live fire trials by U.K. and interna-
        tection from this threat by shining a  process to happen at lightning-fast  tional customers has confirmed that
        high-powered laser onto an incoming  speed, meaning it can defend against  Miysis DIRCM can defeat 100% of
        missile’s targeting system, ‘dazzling’  multiple, simultaneous incoming  incoming infrared missiles.
        PTDI TO DEVELOP CN-235                                                 PTDI’s plan to develop CN-235 air-

                                                                               craft  into  firefighting  and  medical
        TO FIRE FIGHTING,                                                      evacuation versions, both to be used
                                                                               domestically as well as to meet the
        MEDEVAC VERSIONS                                                       international market’s demands. The
                                                                               Indonesian Defence Ministry has also
        PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero),                                     put a new order for ten CN-235s
                                                                               with an option for a yet-unspecified
        also known as  (PTDI) the Indonesian                                   number of the aircraft. However, it’s
        state-owned company in air-                                            still unknown whether this order is
        craft manufacturing, has signed a                                      solely for the transport version or
        Memorandum of Understanding                                            whether there will also be other ver-
        (MoU) for CN-235 sales and devel-                                      sions in the mix.
        opment with Jet Investment Group
        SARL, a Limited Liability Company
        based in Genèva, Switzerland. The                                      CN-235 is a medium range, twin
        MoU was signed in February in                                          turboprop transport aircraft jointly
        Bandung, West Java. “CN-235 is one                                     developed and produced by
        of our products that I think is very                                   Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA
        successful,” said Indonesian Minister  in marketing PTDI’s products, espe-  (CASA) of Spain (now Airbus Military)
        of Defence, Prabowo Subianto, who  cially the CN-235, to the international  and PTDI in the early 1980’s. Since
        was witnessing the event, said.  market,” he added.                    its  first  flight  in  1983,  it  has  been
        “Hundreds have been used all over                                      exported to no less than 35 countries.
        the world. Many countries want to  Prabowo has also set the target for  The aircraft has also been developed
        buy it and finally we have cooper-  PTDI to expand its CN-235 produc-  into various versions such as mari-
        ated with Jet Investment to market it  tion capacity six-fold from 4 to 24  time patrol, anti-submarine and light
        together. I fully support cooperation  aircraft per year. This is in line with  gunship.

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                          January/February 2022 | 23
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